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“I’ve known him since our days at Eton. Don’t play with my friend and then break his heart, Lady Anne.” His jaw was set. A warning note had crept into his voice. “The war nearly shattered him. Your potentially callous treatment will finish the job.”

Silly tears sprang into her eyes. Did this man truly think the worst of her? “I promise I won’t hurt him.” It said much of Benedict’s character that so many people cared about him. “It’s never been my intention, and I like him too much to destroy him.”

Her partner nodded. “Will you take him up in your balloon tonight?”

I haven’t asked him, but honestly, I don’t need his sort of distraction.” For the idea of pleasuring him in that damned basket hadn’t left her mind since she’d offhandedly suggested in days ago.

“Don’t dismiss him out of hand because you’re focusing so hard on your own goals. At times, the only way to meet them is with the right person by your side.”

Unexpectedly wise words from his flirtatious man.

The waltz came to an end. Polite clapping went through the assembled couples.

Lord Randolph executed a half bow from the waist to her. He flashed a grin no doubt designed to charm, but it had no effect on her. “Best of luck tonight. I’m told Mr. Davies is already holding court at the fair, gathering wagers against you.”

“Then I’ll have to make certain he feels that loss deep in his pockets.”

“You two look all too cozy together.”

They both turned as Benedict approached.

Oh, he was so handsome in his evening clothes and tailcoat! Yes, Lord Randolph wore the same thing, but it complimented Benedict’s dark coloring well. The golden on his ivory brocade waistcoat glimmered in the sun. Anne’s heart fluttered. Butterflies danced a ballet in her belly. “Lord Randolph asked me for a dance, so I obliged him.”

“And we had a pleasant conversation while doing so.” He clapped Benedict on the shoulder. “However, there are other enchanting women I’d like to partner with, so I’ll leave Lady Anne in your capable hands.”

Another round of warmth slapped at her cheeks, for he’d proven twice over that he was indeed capable with talented fingers. “Enjoy your evening, Lord Randolph.”

“I plan to, but I’ll be certain to follow your progress in the balloon while on horseback.”

“Thank you. I appreciate the support.” Anxiety pulled in her belly. The flight time grew near. Then she gave Benedict her full attention as the other man departed. “You’re quite handsome this evening.”

“You are gorgeous, as always.” He leaned close and put his lips to her ear. “Though I might favor you in your flying ensemble better, but only just. This color is stunning on you.”

“Hush.” She playfully swatted his arm with a hand. “You needn’t try and flatter me, for you already have secured my notice.”

“I’m glad to hear that.” Concern clouded his eyes behind his spectacle lenses. “What were you discussing with Augustus?”

“Nothing terrible.” She laid a hand upon his sleeve. “In fact, I was merely finding out what sort of man you were according to your friend.”

“I hope he didn’t paint me in a terrible light. One never knows with him.”

“He was respectful, and I think he wants you to live at your full potential.” She wouldn’t tell Benedict of everything she and Lord Randolph had discussed.

“That I can believe. He plays at being a rake, but he has a soft heart for those he cares about.” The current dance had concluded, and another waltz was setting up. “Do me the honor and share this set with me?”

“Did you have a doubt?” She couldn’t help a sigh of pure contentment when he settled a hand to the small of her back. It felt right and familiar to slip her hand into his as they waited for the opening notes to begin.

“Quite frankly, yes, I did.” The smile he gave held a rueful edge as he peered at her from over the tops of his spectacle lenses. “You’re refreshingly honest and so different from other ladies that I can’t help but dance attendance upon you. However,” slight pressure on her back set them into motion as the waltz began, “I sometimes feel as if securing your attention is like trying to bag the wind.”

Her heart trembled. She squeezed his fingers. “Nothing is impossible, Benedict, for you can indeed bag the wind if you have a balloon.”

“That is very true.” As if a switch had been turned on inside him, his grin was brilliant enough to rival the evening sun and the wicked twinkle had returned to his eyes that were more green than brown. “Thank you for the reminder.” He dropped his voice. “As well as the hope.”

A piece of her heart flew into his keeping. Then she was lost to the nuances of the waltz and the romanticism therein. With each turn, with every step, she tumbled into the hazel depths of his eyes, stared so long that her soul touched his. The incredible welcome, the building warmth that wrapped her in a cocoon relaxed the tension in her shoulders she hadn’t been aware she carried. In this man she’d find perhaps everything she’d ever wanted if she’d only let herself complete the fall.

When he pulled her incrementally closer, she trembled from the intensity in his expression. “Would that I had the courage in this moment to say what I truly feel.”

“I suspect you’ve had it with you all along and are waiting for the perfect time.” The Alpine fresh scent of him wafted to her nose, enhancing the emotions building in her chest.

Tags: Sandra Sookoo Historical