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Oh, she wanted him more strongly than she ever had, and not just for the physical connection. More and more she yearned for him, wished for a deeper friendship, a meaningful companionship, and for no other reason than he was being genuine.

And… real, fighting through what might have been unpleasant.


“Hmm?” It was long moments before he slid his gaze to his daughter.

“May we go driving again today?”

“It’s raining.”

She pouted. “Does that mean you’ll take Lavinia away and be alone with her?”

Yes, please. Lavinia squirmed when a pulse of need throbbed between her thighs. Carry me upstairs and do unspeakable things to me.

“As much as it would please me to remain here in the company of the two girls I like the most in this world, I’m afraid duty calls.” He picked Deborah up and then set her on the floor. “But I’ll see you at breakfast tomorrow.”

“Oh.” Deborah frowned. She glanced between the detritus of the tea tray and Lavinia. “Are you going to kiss Lavinia before you go?”

Heat jumped into her cheeks. “Why do you assume he will?”

The girl shrugged. “He likes to.”

Percival chuckled. “How do you know?”

She giggled. “I spy on you sometimes.”

A flush rose above his cravat. “Where?”

“In here or sometimes the library.” Deborah grinned, clearly unrepentant. “I like to watch. It makes me happy.”

Slowly, Lavinia rose to her feet. “You shouldn’t sneak about and spy. That’s not what a proper young lady does.” Then she patted the girl’s cheek and slid a glance at him. “However, in this instance, I don’t see the harm. It makes me happy when your father kisses me too.”

“Ah, in that case, it would be remiss of me to keep my countess waiting.” Percival snaked an arm about her waist and slowly drew her to him. “Would that I could ignore my responsibilities tonight,” he murmured seconds before he lowered his mouth to hers.

Lavinia melted against him with a sigh. Of all the men she’d been involved with over the course of her adult life, only Percival had managed to both surprise her and work his way past the wall she’d built around her heart. She’d barely returned his overture when he pulled back, holding her at arm’s length. “That was nice.” Unfortunately, it did nothing to quell the restless longing inside.

“Agreed.” He took one of her hands and brought it to his lips. “Perhaps if the session tonight ends early…”

Another piece of her heart flew into his keeping. “I’ll be here.” She nodded with a smile that felt all too silly.

“So will I, Papa!” Deborah shoved her way between them. She wrapped her arms around his middle. “I want cinnamon buns for breakfast.”

Lavinia grinned and with one last look at her husband, said, “Let’s go down and see if we can convince Cook to do just that.” She drew the child away from him and wished she didn’t need to share his attention with so many other responsibilities.

But she was so uncommonly grateful she could hardly stand it. This life was much more than she could have ever hoped for, and she would do whatever it took to keep it.

Tags: Sandra Sookoo Historical