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“Yes, I am aware.” Would he tell her things she already knew, then? And why couldn’t she read his intent? Through it all, she tamped the urge to finger comb the messy waves of his dark brown hair.

“I’ve done much thinking this week, and today, I came to a conclusion. Which is why I’ve been absent. I needed to chase down a particular item.”

“What does that mean?” Truly, she was baffled.

As his grin widened, flutters erupted into her lower belly. It was one of the things that had first drawn her notice of him before she’d ever consented to become his mistress. “I want to start over with you, to show society and the tabbies who reside within the ton that I’m not embarrassed to have you at my side or in my life.”

“I… I don’t know what to say.” In fact, she gawked at him with a slightly opened jaw.

“Then hush a moment until I’m finished.” Percival winked—the man actually winked! —and he opened his free hand. On his palm, a delicate golden band rested, complete with a square-cut emerald at least as large as her thumbnail. “This was part of my grandmother’s bridal jewelry. I think…” His voice caught and emotions graveled his voice. “I think it will suit you and your complexion well.” He removed the signet ring from the fourth finger of her left hand and replaced it with the emerald one.

She’d been given jewelry by him before, token gifts for services she’d rendered, no doubt. For whatever reason, this ring sent her heartbeat pinwheeling. Perhaps he would indeed take their marriage seriously. “It’s beautiful,” she breathed. “Such a deep green color.”

The earl nodded and put the signet ring back onto his right pinky finger. “That’s what makes it so valuable.” While still holding her gaze, Percival brought her hand to his lips, kissed the ring, and then turned her hand over, pressing his lips to her palm. The scrape of his whiskers sent a wave of awareness over her. “I hope this will begin to build or even restore the trust between us.”

Perhaps he was indeed learning. Her hand shook within his. “I sincerely believe it will.” Did that make her foolish or merely hopeful? She didn’t know, but as she peered into his eyes, saw no trace of them being clouded by drink or bloodshot from over imbibing, she smiled. “You are sober.”

“Yes. I’m taking each day moment by moment, but I’m struggling.” He raked his gaze down her form with such languid perusal that renewed awareness prickled her skin. “It’s a good thing, too, for you are quite ravishing in that gown.” He flicked his gaze to hers. “I remember it.”

She nodded. “I’d hoped you might.”

And still he hadn’t released her hand. “Be warned, I intend to take full advantage.”

Merciful heavens. A shiver careened down her spine, but she couldn’t resist teasing him. “That assumes I will allow you access.”

His laugh mixed with a growl. It reminded her of their other times together. “Oh, you’ll allow it and then some, Countess.” He tugged on her hand, pulled her into his lap. Before she knew what he was about, he’d put her back to his chest and had her legs straddling the outside of his thighs.

How intriguing! “What are you planning?” Lavinia could barely force out the question from a suddenly tight throat, so great was her excitement and wariness. He’d called her “countess” in place of her name, and that was a huge step up for him.

“Change, I think. I’m planning to change… everything about my life.” The rumble of his baritone in her ear provoked gooseflesh over her skin. “Perhaps usher in a new aspect to our relationship, if you’re of a mind?”

“I’m glad you’re here, Percival.” She half-twisted about to look into his face. “I’ve missed you in this capacity.”

His eyes darkened. “Then I look forward to properly claiming my wife.”

Tingles shot through her core. Oh, dear Lord. He was quite potent and very different than he’d been this past week. Her spirits buoyed. “When will you begin your seduction?”

“Now.” He nuzzled the crook of her shoulder and at the same time, he lightly danced his fingers over her breasts, slowly, oh so slowly, bringing her nipples into tight buds.

“Oh.” The word sneaked out upon the wings of a moan. Her back arched of its own accord, which put her bosom more firmly into his hands.

He chuckled. Using his palms, he caressed those sensitive buds, brought them into a frenzy that had pleasure zipping between them and her core. Need pulsed at the apex of her thighs, and no matter how much she wanted him to take her in a firmer grip, he never did. Merely continued to tease with the lightest of touches.

This was so different from the other times they’d come together. Yes, he’d indulged in foreplay before, but he’d never put in such an effort to concentrate on her before the attention went to him. Now, as he hummed a series of notes that didn’t make up a melody, he continued to concentrate of bringing her to the brink of pleasure through her breasts alone.

“This is… nice.”

“Only nice?” He chuckled. “Then obviously I’m not doing it correctly.” With his lips at her nape, Percival edged the thin gown from her shoulders, pulling it down, down, down until it pooled at her waist. Then he began teasing her breasts, her nipples all over again, and this time, the friction and heat from his skin added another layer of bliss to the play.

“Oh, oh!” Lavinia let her eyes shutter closed and once more her back arched. Need throbbed through her core; her breath came in shallow pants. Blissful sensations darted over her skin. Fires lit in her blood. Remarkably, she was nearly at that edge, hovering, waiting, seconds away from flying. “More,” she gasped out and lifted a hand to wrap around his nape, encourage his head closer to hers. “Give me more.”

“Missed me, have you?”

Before she could object that his arrogance was coming to the forefront, he drew up the skirting of her night apparel and then his hand was between her thighs, his fingers burrowing through her curls. Always skilled, he strummed those talented digits along her flesh, back and forth, and when she whimpered, put a hand over his to guide him to where she needed him to be most, he found her swollen button, encouraged it out of hiding, and then applied friction to that nubbin as if that was his only purpose in life.

Shivery sensations raced along her spine, pushed into every nerve ending. She held his hand tight to her pearl, clutched his nape with her other hand. He kissed her neck but didn’t leave off with his frenzied friction, glided his lips over her cheek, and when he bit her earlobe, streaks of need slammed through her core to heighten the feelings already crashing through her body.

She squirmed on his lap. The hard ridge of his arousal pressed against her bottom. “Percival, I’m nearly there…” Oh, she couldn’t concentrate on words any longer, and if he didn’t finish her, she’d melt into a puddle at his feet.

Tags: Sandra Sookoo Historical