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Not wanting to risk the bag being seen, I shove it back under the bed. While Zoe naps, I read a book, and once she wakes up, I spend the rest of the day playing with her in her room. It isn’t until I hear Aris’s voice on the other side of the door, I move the chair and open the door.

“I heard you’ve been busy today,” he says, eyeing me with annoyance.

“I was scared for my life,” I cry out. “Selene is psycho, Aris. The only reason I tried to call the police was because I was scared.” Tears prick my eyes, but Aris just rolls his.

“Stop your shit, Talia. Your little stunt today was stupid on your part.” Aris smirks. “Want to know why?” I don’t bother to answer. I know he’ll tell me. “Since I now have to worry about you trying shit, I had to give Selene a gun.” Jesus fucking Christ. Is he serious?

“If you try anything, she’s been told not to hesitate.” Aris steps forward and grabs ahold of my ponytail, jerking my head up to look him in the eyes. “I don’t give a shit if you live or die, Talia,” he hisses. “The only reason I keep you around is so you can take care of Zoe. You’re her mother and I didn’t want to take you from her. But if you’re going to become a problem…” He lets his sentence linger, releasing my hair. “Now, dinner is ready. Let’s try to have a good night. I’ve had a long day at work. My brother has become a raging alcoholic and I’m now having to do both of our jobs.” Aris rolls his eyes then walks out of the room.

Kostas has become an alcoholic… My heart squeezes in my chest at the thought of what he’s been going through this last year. It’s hard to believe anything that comes out of Aris’s mouth. I knew the night he raped me, he was a wolf in sheep’s clothing, but I had no idea just how deadly of a bite he had until the day I was taken.

I’m sitting in the auditorium, waiting for rehearsal to begin. I’ve only been here for a few minutes, but I want to go home. When I left this morning, Kostas and I were fighting. I know part of it is my fault. I’m overemotional and haven’t told him why yet. Mostly because I’m scared of how he’s going to react. But it’s also his fault because he’s so damn jealous. I have to kiss Macbeth in the play and I know Kostas is going to kill him if I do, which means I’m going to have to either tell my professor I can’t play the role as Lady Macbeth or figure out a way to fake-kiss my partner, so my husband doesn’t rip his heart from his chest. I want to be mad at him for being such a possessive asshole, but then he sends me a sweet text and I turn into a pile of mush.

Kostas: I miss you even when you piss me the fuck off.

Okay, well, sweet for Kostas… It’s crazy to think how quickly he’s become my entire world, and not because I was forced to marry him, but because I love him. The problem is, while I’m not sure if Kostas loves me back, I do know he wants to own and possess every part of me. At this rate, there is going to be no me without Kostas, and I’m scared of what will happen when I can’t put him first. When I can’t give him all of me. Will he still want me? Will what I can give him be enough? Or will he do what my father did and stray? The thought has me wanting to throw up.

“You are going to make the craziest Lady Macbeth,” Penelope says, sitting next to me. When I glance up at her, she frowns. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” I shake my head. “I’m okay.”

“No, you’re not,” she insists. “You’re crying.” She reaches over and swipes a tear off my cheek I didn’t realize was there. “Talk to me.”

As if the dam that was holding back my flood of emotions caves, I let out every thought and feeling without holding back. Penelope wraps her arms around me and listens as I pour my heart out to her. She doesn’t say anything the entire time as I tell her about everything I’m feeling and how much I miss my home and my family, especially my mom. When I’m done, she hugs me tightly.

“What is it that will make you okay right now?” she asks.

After a moment of thinking about her question, I say, “I-I think…” I hiccup through my sobs. “I think I really just want my mom.” We both break out into a fit of giggles at how much of a child I sound like in this moment.

Tags: K. Webster, Nikki Ash Truths and Lies Romance