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Keep the enemies close.

And since I’ve always seen Aris as an enemy who happens to share my blood, my two best men, Basil and Adrian, have always kept an extra close eye on him.

“Any news from Basil then?” I ask, climbing out of Adrian’s SUV.

He follows me and lets out a grunt. “Just normal comings and goings to and from the hotel. His house is pretty quiet during the day. On occasion, his slut leaves to grocery shop and shit.”

“Galani? Niles? Does anyone besides the skank go in and out?”

“Nope, just her.”

I don’t like it. Feels too easy.

“Call him and have him see if he can find anything out from the hotel staff. I want this quiet and discreet. He’ll need to do it in person.”

“I’ll text him and send him that way,” Adrian assures me. “You sure dropping in on your dad like this is okay? What if we’re interrupting his nap?”

I bite back a snort of laughter. Adrian, even though he’s one of my best men, has always been more like a brother to me than Aris ever was. He’s the only motherfucker I’ll allow to get away with making fun of my father.

“Good to keep the old man on his toes,” I say with a chuckle.

We walk through the massive estate looking for him. Things are strained with my father. He thinks I should run things differently than I do, but I do them the way I want and there’s nothing he can do about it. He is my father, though, so I don’t disrespect him by just ignoring him. I make sure he’s taken care of and check in on him from time to time like a good son does.

When I hear moans coming from down the hallway, I pause to shoot Adrian a confused look. I stalk down the hall to the source of the sound. At my father’s door, I hesitate for a fraction of a second before pushing into the room. The sight before me has bile crawling up my throat.

Some young blond bitch is riding my father in my parents’ bed. He may not be able to walk, but his big hands dig into her pale ass as he urges her to fuck him. She moans and rocks her hips. All I can do is see fucking red. My mother has barely been dead a year and he’s fucking sluts in their bed.

“Father,” I boom. “What the fuck?”

The woman cries out in surprise and slides off him. Her big tits bounce as she scrambles to find her dress that’s been discarded on the floor. I stand there glaring at my father, who looks like a pathetic old man with his dick at half-mast.

“The money’s in the usual place, Lyssa,” he grumbles out, his eyes cutting to mine as he pulls the covers over himself. “Why the hell are you here unannounced?”


My father is fucking a goddamn prostitute?

I block the doorway when the blonde comes my way. She casts a glance over at Father, as if to ask him what she’s supposed to do.

“A whore, Father? Really?” I guess it’s better than him actually dating so soon after my mother. The fact it’s just sex seems to soften the blow a little. Still pisses me off. Feels like just yesterday my mother was buried.

“Lyssa is more than a whore,” Father bites out. “She’s a friend. We go way back.”

Pull the fucking brakes. “What?”

“What’d I miss?” Aris demands from behind me, finally gracing us with his presence. “Fucking gross. Do I smell pussy in Dad’s room?”

Father’s face burns red with fury when Aris scoots past me and into the room. My brother shakes his head.

“Why are you two here?” Father barks out.

“Kostas said we should meet with you,” Aris says, his gaze raking down Lyssa. “Who are you?”

“Father’s whore,” I hiss.

“Another one?” Aris asks.

I snap my head his way. “What do you mean another one?”

Aris sneers at me. “Why are you acting like this is the first one you knew about?”

Darting my eyes back to my father, I fist my hands. “So Mamá dies and you fuck as many whores as you can? I didn’t think your dick even worked anymore.”

Aris snorts. “Since Mamá died? Where the hell have you been all our lives, man?”

All our lives?

He’s fucking with me.

Our mother may have cheated on Father, but my father was loyal to her. He’s the whole goddamn reason why I’m so obsessed with loyalty. It’s been drilled into my head for as long as I can remember.

“Lyssa’s been on the payroll for years, Kostas. Don’t be obtuse.” My father scowls my way.


Don’t be fucking obtuse?

The woman in question shrugs as if it’s no big deal to fuck a man three times her age who can’t even go to the bathroom by himself.

“What about Mamá?” I hiss.

Tags: K. Webster, Nikki Ash Truths and Lies Romance