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Chapter 21


The strains of Tamia’s “So Into You” filled the empty dining room of Main Street Eats. The minute he and Luna had locked the door after the last customer, he’d turned on the Bluetooth speaker she’d given him as an early Christmas gift and put his playlist on shuffle. Cleaning the restaurant up to music had become a fun nightly routine that they shared.

Tonight, though, he was a little blown away. It felt significant that the first song the shuffle feature chose, out of the thousands available to it, was one of “their” songs from back in the day. He didn’t want to read too much into it– hell, he didn’t even know if she remembered it as one of their songs. But, to him, it felt like it meant something.

He shook his head. It had been a long day, as had the day before. In fact, he and Luna were now at the end of a string of long days, with a string of them out ahead. And he’d never been happier. Spending this time with her, regardless of the punishing hours and grueling work, was the most fulfilled he’d felt in years.

Just the simple fact that it felt so good made it tempting to push her, pressure her into giving him some kind of clarity as far as what the future might hold. But he resisted that urge. As tough as it was not to give in, he wouldn’t let himself. He’d resolved to just enjoy what time they had together without ruining it by overanalyzing, and damn it, that was what he was determined to do.

And then a song like “So Into You” came on shuffle. Damn you, fate! Help a brother out.

He pulled out the broom and started to sweep, not giving any indication that the song meant anything special. She pulled out a rag and ran it across the counter, equally void of any indications that she recognized the music.

They went on like that through the first verse, but by the middle of the chorus, he heard her singing along. It was soft, but perceptible. He had to smile. She was so damn cute.

He started to sing along, too, and she looked up to meet his eyes. They shared a smile, and he set the broom aside and held out his hand to her. She abandoned the rag and came over to him, stepping into the circle of his arms.

They stayed like that, swaying slowly to the music in a perfectly retro slow dance, until the song was over. Then through the next, and the one after that. Even though those songs that weren’t exactly perfect for slow dancing, it was like they had an unspoken agreement to ignore the tempo and just keep on swaying and holding each other.

The fourth song that came on was a metal number with a driving beat, which was what it finally took to shatter the magic bubble. Luna drew back, her eyes dark and intense, and said, “Hey. Help me check something in the back room, will you?”

Weirdly abrupt transition, but cool.

He followed her into the storeroom and she immediately turned around when they got there, launching herself into his arms and raising her lips to his. He might’ve been slow to catch on to what was happening when she asked him to come back there, but as soon as he realized what the deal was, he was all over it.

He thrust his tongue into her eager mouth, kissing her with all the pent-up passion that had built up over all the days of working there together, side by side. All the long hours had built up a well of arousal that he’d had no outlet for until that kiss, and he put it all into the movement of his lips against hers.

Abruptly, she dropped to her knees in front of him. She freed his cock without hesitation, and before he knew it, she had her lips around the tip, then was sliding her mouth down his shaft. She bobbed her head up and down, up and down, again and again.

Swirling her tongue around him, she looked up and met his eyes. He tangled his fingers into her hair. He loved the control he had over the rhythm when he did that. The thing he loved the most, though, was the eye contact. It made everything feel just a little edgier, more heightened, than it would’ve otherwise.

The energy flowing between them sparked like a tangible thing. If the air had suddenly burst into flame in the space between them, he wouldn’t have been totally surprised. There was fire between them. There always had been, and there still was.

His orgasm built quickly, condensing in a giant wave of pressure and pleasure that swept through him with inhuman force. He let it go with a guttural cry, shooting into her mouth. He kept his eyes locked onto hers as she swallowed every drop he gave her. It drove the heat between them to a boiling point.

When he had given her every last drop, she stood and smiled at him. A little wickedly, he thought. That was fine, though. She’d earned it.

“You know,” she said, “we’re really going to have to do this in a bed sometime.”

He grinned. “Is that an invitation? Because I accept.”

She gave a short laugh. “Plenty of time for that. Don’t worry.”

Huh. He had to hold himself back, as he had so many times since she’d been back, from the urge to try to pin her down on specifics when it came to the future. He’d love to have a timeline, but the problem was that he didn’t even think that she herself had one.

Still. The phrase “plenty of time for that” was encouraging. He thought he’d take her advice not to worry, and just enjoy the possibilities that the words “plenty of time for that” put into play.

Tags: Melanie Shawn Valentine Bay Romance