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“Damn, dude, do you have somewhere to be?”

It was Gavin’s turn to furrow his brow. “I’m not into asking people to do things.”

“Well, tell Gen I’ll help however she needs me to. And that in the future, she doesn’t need to torture you by sending you out to do the sales pitch. If that’s what you could call this.”


“Although, it is proof of just how much you love her that you were willing to do it in the first place.”


“You can tell her that, as well. Earn some points.”

Gavin smiled. It was small and tight, which were the only kind of smiles in his wheelhouse, but it was there. “Trust me. She doesn’t need any proof of how much I love her. I make that very clear, in every way I can, and as often as I can.”

Connor opened the door and Gavin walked out. Connor waved to him as he sauntered down the front walk.

Damn. What Gavin had said shook him to his core.

He made sure Gen knew he loved her, as often as he could. Even a guy as taciturn as Gavin wasn’t afraid to lay it all on the line with his words, to make himself vulnerable to make sure the woman he loved knew the truth about his feelings.

Talk was cheap. That’s what the old phrase said, anyway. For someone like Gavin, it was the opposite—every word cost him, and he spent them on the most important person in his life.

“So what the fuck is my excuse?” Connor muttered under his breath.

He had some thinking to do. He was showing Luna how deeply he cared with actions—bringing the turkey to the hospital, volunteering to work at the diner. And, while another common phrase said that actions were louder than words, he thought it might be about time to start using both.

He and Luna had lost each other once before because they were too young and too scared to just be clear, to take a chance, to be vulnerable.

He didn’t plan to make the same mistake again. This time, he planned to say the words.

Now it was just a matter of figuring out the right ones.

Tags: Melanie Shawn Valentine Bay Romance