Page 81 of Through His Eyes

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“Quinn, these are perfect. You’re so damn beautiful.” I flip through the final pages, each one a tad more risqué than the last, but all tastefully done.

“It’s because of you I was able to have this done,” she admits.

“No, baby, it’s because of you.” I close the book and pull her into my arms. “Nobody can make you feel any way but yourself.” I’m using the words her therapist has said to her several times.

“I know, but it was through your eyes, I was able to finally see that I’m enough. That’s the tattoo I want to get. On my collarbone. I want you to tattoo it on me.”

And without even meaning to, she just made this the best birthday ever. Because from those words alone, I know Quinn finally trusts me.



Three Months Later

I read over the papers Salazar has given to me. While he runs my family’s distillery, in another life, he was in the Irish mafia and his connections reach far.

“Got you, bitch.” I nod my head a few times, then thank Salazar. “I owe you. Whatever you need…”

“Your family took a chance on an ex-mafia fresh out of jail. You don’t owe me anything.” He shakes my hand. “The papers have already been submitted, so she will most likely be served any day.”

I noticed that. I’m hoping I’ll either get to them before they have her served, or we’ll be out of the country. Either way, nothing will come of them, but I’d rather Quinn not be stressed unnecessarily.

Once Salazar leaves, I seek out Jase and Jax. Knowing I might need their backup, I’ve kept them informed of my plan.

“I got what we need.” I hold up the papers, explaining to them what Salazar was able to find out.

“So why would they seek visitation or custody then?” Jase asks.

“My guess is they have no clue, but they’re about to find out.” I smirk. “I’m heading over there now.”

“Let’s go,” Jax says, just as my cell phone begins to ring in my pocket. It’s Quinn.

“Hey baby.”

“Lach,” she whispers, “I need you to come to the hospital.” The hair on the back of my neck rises. Why the fuck is she in the hospital? Is Kinsley okay? When I left this morning, Quinn was packing and Kinsley was getting ready for her last day of school before spring break.

“What’s wrong?” I’m already heading to the front door when I remember I need to let her brothers know.

“I’m okay… Rick’s parents served me this morning, and I-I kind of broke down and Kinsley called nine-one-one.” She sobs into the phone. “Sky has Kinsley.” Damn it! We were so close.

“I’ll be right there.” I hang up and tell her brothers what’s happened.

“You go to my sister. She needs you. We’ll give those pieces-of-shit a visit,” Jax hisses, taking the folder from me.

Fuck! I wanted to see the look on their faces when they realized they were fucked, but Jax is right, Quinn needs me more.

* * *


Two hours ago

I’m rushing around my room trying to finish packing. We leave in two days to Ireland for our wedding! After falling in love with the country, and getting engaged there, we decided to get married there. My brothers and their families will be coming, as well as Lachlan’s family. We’ll be there for a week since the kids are all on spring break, and my brothers can leave Evan and Gage to run the shop while we’re gone. The latest receptionist is still going strong.

The doorbell chimes, and Kinsley yells up the stairs to let me know someone is here since she’s not allowed to open the door. I check the clock. It’s ten to eight. It’s probably Skyla. She offered to take Kinsley to school for me this morning so I can get everything done.

I jog down the stairs and swing the door open without checking to see who it is, and standing there on my doorstep is a police officer.

“Quinn Crawford?”


“You’ve been served.”

With shaky hands, I sign my name and take the envelope from the officer. I barely remember closing my door or opening the document. And everything after I open the flap and read “Notice to seek custody” is all a blur. I vaguely remember feeling like I was having a heart attack, and Kinsley yelling for me. My ears begin to ring and my vision goes blurry. My first thought is I’m going to die, and my second is Rick’s parents will get Kinsley because Lachlan hasn’t officially adopted her yet. Once again, from the goddamned grave, my ex-husband is destroying another piece of me.

* * *

I come to in the ambulance, where the EMT tells me my daughter called for help. When I ask where she is, he says her aunt showed up and showed proper identification, so they let her take her. Once I arrive at the hospital, I’m checked-in. Without my cell phone, I can’t call Lachlan. Thankfully, Skyla shows up a little while later, while the nurse is drawing blood, and gives it to me, letting me know she dropped off Kinsley with Celeste on her way here. She was too upset to go to school. I call Lachlan, and he tells me he’s on his way.

Tags: Nikki Ash Romance