Page 53 of Through His Eyes

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“It’s nice to meet you.” I extend my hand to shake hers, a little shocked I’m meeting someone in Lachlan’s family and a lot giddy that she’s so sweet.

“Kinsley, here, wants to get a pumpkin,” Lachlan tells her.

“Yes!” Kinsley hops up and down. “Can we?”

“Well, Lachlan has brought you here during the perfect weekend,” Kiara says, bending slightly so she’s closer to Kinsley’s level. “Tomorrow is the annual fall festival. There will be bounce houses, face painting, fresh popcorn, hay rides, and…there will be thousands of pumpkins to choose from.”

Kinsley’s eyes light up. “Thank you, Lachlan!” She runs over to him and hugs his waist. “I want to get a pumpkin so big!” She stretches her arms out wide as far as they can go, and Lachlan laughs.

“Whatever you want,” he says, but when I shake my head, he adds, “as long as your mom says it’s okay.” His last comment has me laughing and Kinsley pouting.

“Let’s get you guys settled in.” Kiara walks back behind the desk and grabs a couple of keys from the hanging board. I love how old-school this place is. I love New York, but I also miss all the country comfort you find in North Carolina. “Quinn and Kinsley, you’re in room 201, and Lachlan, I’ve put you right next to them in 202. They’re on the second floor.” She hands us our keys. “Here’s an activity guide for tomorrow. Breakfast is served from six to eight, and lunch from eleven to one, but I imagine you will be at the festival during that time. If you need anything, just dial zero.”

“Thank you,” I tell her, taking my key at the same time Lachlan takes his.

To me, she says, “Kevin isn’t here right now. He’s running around, getting everything ready for tomorrow. It’s an all weekend event. But please find us tomorrow, so I can introduce you.” Then to Lachlan, she says, “I know he would love to see you.”

“Sounds good,” he tells her at the same time I nod.

Lachlan takes our suitcases up the stairs, and we follow him. When we get to my room, I unlock the door and let Kinsley run in. When I see it’s not a single room, but a suite with a living room, and two bedrooms, I say to Lachlan, “We could’ve shared a room.”

“If you don’t feel Kinsley is ready to see me wake up in her home, she’s not ready to share a hotel room.” He kisses my forehead. “I’ll hang out like I always do and then head over to my room to go to sleep.” Oh, this man…

Kinsley picks her room, and since we haven’t had dinner, we venture out to get something to eat. The entire town is as adorable as the B & B is, reminding me of Gilmore Girls. When we get back, Kinsley takes a bath and puts on her pajamas. She’s excited to have a TV in her room and asks if she can lie down and watch a movie. I can tell by her yawn, she will be out within minutes.

“Would you mind hanging out while I shower real quick?” I ask Lachlan. He gives me a mischievous look, and I almost ask him to join me, but my self-doubt rears its ugly head, and I chicken out. We haven’t even had sex yet. I think Lachlan is trying to take things slow for my sake, but a small part of me wonders if maybe he isn’t as attracted to me as I am to him. I immediately chide myself for thinking like that. I’ve been working on being more positive lately and thinking like that is not a step in the right direction. I know Lachlan is attracted to me. I can see it in his eyes, in the way he kisses me and loves on my body. And if that’s not enough, he makes it a point to tell me every day how beautiful I am.

“Sure,” he says, eyeing me up and down. “I’ll be right here.” He kicks his Vans off and sits on my bed, leaning back against the headboard.

My intent is to shower quickly, but once the hot water is raining down on me, I take my time, washing my body and hair and shaving my legs. When I get out, I wrap the plush towel around my body. After brushing my hair and teeth, I’m about to drop my towel to get dressed when I realize I didn’t bring a change of clothes in here with me. Taking a deep breath, I step out into my room.

When Lachlan’s eyes leave his cell phone and land on me, his brows rise, and if I’m not mistaken his pupils might even dilate slightly. “I forgot my pajamas,” I tell him, going straight to my luggage. After sifting through it twice, it’s apparent I completely forgot to pack my pajamas. Damn it!

Tags: Nikki Ash Romance