Page 50 of Through His Eyes

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“No,” she says pointedly.

“Damn right, you haven’t. Because that techy shit can’t compare to the orgasms I give you.”

Quinn laughs. “That techy shit can make me come in under a minute.” She raises her brows.

“Challenge accepted.” I pick her up by her ass and throw her onto the bed., peeling off her pants and underwear. Once she’s completely bare to me, I give her a smirk. “Start counting now.”

* * *

“Lachlan…Lachlan, you have to wake up,” Quinn whispers. I glance around the room, taking in my surroundings. I’m at her place, in her room, in her bed. We must’ve fallen asleep. Grabbing my phone from the nightstand, I check the time. It’s five in the morning.

“We fell asleep,” she says softly. “You have to go before Kinsley wakes up.”

Nodding in understanding, I give her a kiss on her cheek, then roll out of bed, throwing on my shirt and jeans, then slipping on my shoes.

“I’ll walk you out,” she offers, but I shake my head.

“No, go back to sleep.” I lean over the bed and give her a kiss to her forehead. “Want to do something later?”

Her face lights up with a bright smile. “Yeah.” But then she frowns. “Actually, no. Kinsley will most likely wake up still sick.”

“How about I go home, shower and change, and then come back with breakfast? We can rent some movies and make it a lazy day so she can rest.”

“That sounds perfect,” she says, pulling me back down to her for a kiss.

A couple hours later, I return with breakfast from a deli nearby. Kinsley and Quinn are both up, and Kinsley is lying on the couch, looking like someone told her that her favorite puppy has been killed.

“You okay, Mini-Q?”

“I feel blah,” she says. “Mommy said you’re going to watch movies with me. Can I pick it out?”

“Of course.”

“Okay.” She grants me a bright smile that’s identical to her mother’s. “I want to watch Mary Poppins.” I have no clue who Mary Poppins is, but I tell her that sounds great. After Quinn gets the food sorted and we eat, we spend the entire rest of the day watching movie after movie together. In between, the girls share their likes and dislikes. They tell me about the trips they’ve taken and want to take. I share with them a little bit about my family and friends. About my time in Boston. We have lunch and dinner together.

It’s such a simple kind of day. We didn’t really do anything, yet at the same time, it’s also absolutely perfect. A day I hope to repeat many more times in the future.

* * *

I’ve just finished a two-hour-long session and am stretching my arms over my head, when Jax walks through my door. “Hey man, got a minute?”

“What’s up?” I stand and walk to the back to get a drink.

“I wanted to talk to you for a second.”

Glancing at my phone, I see it’s a quarter to five. I don’t have any more clients scheduled, so unless someone walks in, in the next fifteen minutes, I’m done for the day. It’s Saturday, so I’m off tomorrow, and looking forward to hanging out with Quinn and Kinsley.

This last week I’ve been hanging out at Quinn’s place every second I’m not working or sleeping. I never spend the night, but we have dinner together if I’m off early enough, or dessert, if I get there after dinner. After Kinsley goes to bed, we hang out on the couch, talking, and eventually make our way to Quinn’s room, where we make out like teenagers, but never take things further. I’ve learned Quinn is submissive by nature until I coax her and make her feel comfortable enough to take charge, then she spreads her wings and flies. I know it’s because of her ex. He probably got off on clipping Quinn’s wings instead of letting her fly high. I can tell she’s waiting for me to take things to the next level sexually, but I’m not going to do so until I know she trusts me—trusts what we have. So, every night after I’ve made sure she’s satisfied, I kiss her goodnight and go home.

Thankfully, Shea has returned back to Ireland with Riley, so I don’t have to worry about Quinn bumping into her, or Shea causing any problems.

I sit on the couch and shoot a text to Quinn to see if she wants me to pick up take out on my way over. Now that Kinsley is feeling better, I’m thinking we can order pizza or something. We’ve been eating healthy while she’s been sick, mostly soup and foods she won’t throw up. She was home from school through Thursday with the sitter, but went back to school yesterday, and was back to her usual self in time for her soccer game this morning. Her mom only let her play half the time, which bummed Mini-Q, but her scoring a goal during her time made up for it.

Tags: Nikki Ash Romance