Page 42 of Through His Eyes

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When my eyes meet hers, I notice her pouty lips are glossy and…frowning. Why is she frowning? Just as I’m about to ask what’s wrong, a hand touches my forearm and it all clicks. Shea is here, and Quinn must’ve seen us. Fuck!

“Lachlan, are you going to introduce us?” Shea asks, and Quinn’s frown deepens.

“I was actually just leaving,” Quinn says, downing the last of whatever she’s drinking. “Have a good night.” When she stands, I’m able to see her entire body. Her black dress covers all the important parts, yet shows off every single gorgeous curve. The top half is loose, but the farther down you go, the tighter the dress gets. As she saunters past me, my gaze falls to her backside. The woman can definitely fill out a dress like no other.

“Lach!” Declan yells, snapping his fingers in front of my face, and snapping me out of my thoughts. “She just walked away.”

“Fuck!” I yell. I was so busy fantasizing about her, I blanked out. I start to chase after her when Shea grabs my arm and holds me back.

“You’re not seriously going after that woman are you?” Her face contorts into a look of disgust, and I can spot her jealousy from a mile away. She came to the states in hope of getting back together, and she was pissed to learn I’ve moved on. Even if I hadn’t met Quinn recently, I wouldn’t be willing to give Shea and me another chance, but knowing there is another woman, pisses her off.

“Hell yeah, I am,” I say, pulling my arm out of her grasp and running after Quinn. I’m searching everywhere for her, when I spot her talking to her brother and Willow at the bar. Jogging over, I stop in front of them. Quinn’s back is to me, so she doesn’t see me coming, but Jax and Willow do and both are glaring.

Not wanting to startle Quinn, I call out her name, and she turns around. “Can we talk, please?” I plead, but I can see it in her face, she’s not going to give me the time of day. If I want her to listen, I need to act quick and talk fast. “What you saw wasn’t what it looked like.” When she flinches at my words, I internally groan. I sound like every guy who’s ever been caught cheating, and Quinn has been cheated on. Damn it!

“That came out wrong.” I place my palms up in a placating manner. “That woman you saw is my ex, Shea.” Quinn’s eye widen slightly, but she does a good job at staying emotionless. “She showed up here without me knowing. Her best friend is Declan’s sister, my cousin, Riley. I was already here when they arrived, and she cornered me at the bar, asking to get back together. I told her no. I even told her about you.”

“You don’t have to explain anything to me,” she says so softly I can barely hear her over the loud thumping of the dance music. “We aren’t together or even dating. Hell, I don’t even know what we are. You can talk to whoever you want.” She keeps her voice devoid of any emotion, but I can see the hurt in her eyes. I promised to never hurt her intentionally, and while this isn’t intentional, she’s still hurting because of me. Because of my drama. Drama she doesn’t need to deal with.

“I disagree,” I tell her. “Everything that happened with us last night and this morning means we are definitely something.” Her eyes flit from me to her brother. I forgot he and Willow were even standing there. My sole focus is fixing this shit with Quinn. I’m not about to lose her before I’ve even gotten her, and especially not over my fucking ex.

“We’ll let you two talk,” Willow says, pulling Jax away.

Stepping closer to Quinn, I say, “We might not have officially placed a label on us yet, but that doesn’t mean nothing is going on. I don’t just go around eating women out. I told Willow I’m your boyfriend because that’s what I want to be.” I take another step toward her and grip the curve of her hip. “You’re the only woman I’m talking to.” I brush my lips across hers, tasting the fruit-flavored lip gloss she’s wearing. “You’re the only woman I’m kissing.” I lean into her and nip the bottom of her earlobe, eliciting a shiver out of her. I love the way she reacts to me. “You’re the only woman I want, Q.” She exhales deeply. “Don’t leave, please.” I bring my face back up to hers. “You’re standing here in this club, looking sexy as fuck in that black dress and those heels. Dance with me.”

She takes a long moment to answer, but just as I’m beginning to lose hope, she nods once. “Promise me one thing.”

Tags: Nikki Ash Romance