Page 34 of Through His Eyes

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Lachlan tilts his head to the side to give me access, and I kiss along his pulse point and up to his ear, sucking on the bottom of his earlobe. Then I trail more kisses over his scratchy beard and to his cheek. “I pick blue,” I murmur, my mouth only a hairbreadth from his. His lips brush against mine teasingly, and when mine part on a sigh, his tongue delves into my mouth. I suck on it, craving the taste of Lachlan. As our kiss deepens, I find myself turning in his lap so I’m straddling him. My arms wrap around his neck, and my fingers thread through his soft, messy hair. We kiss for several minutes, and not once does Lachlan attempt to touch me in any way. His hands stay situated behind my back, holding me to him. I don’t doubt for a second he’s doing this so I’m in control. So I feel comfortable. And ironically, the idea of him allowing me to go at my own pace has me wanting him that much more.

Just as I break our kiss and trail my lips down his bearded jaw and back over to his neck, a cell phone rings out loudly. Remembering Kinsley was supposed to call me before going to bed, I reach over to the end table and grab it, fully aware I’m still on Lachlan’s lap.

“One second,” I tell him, then answer the phone. “Hey Kins, how’s it going?”

“I’m having so much fun, Mommy! We played the Wii and I’m a really good fake dancer! And then Uncle Jase made a big fire and cooked us all s’mores. They were so yummy! I asked Auntie Celeste if I can bring one home for you, but she said they would be bad tomorrow.” As I laugh at my daughter’s enthusiasm, I glance at Lachlan and see he’s also listening with a big smile splayed across his face.

“I’m so glad you’re having fun, sweetie. I’ll be there in the morning to get you so you can go to soccer.”

“Okay! And can you please ask Lachlan if he’s going to come? He said he’ll try.” When she mentions Lachlan’s name, his grin widens, and he winks at me. When I roll my eyes dramatically, his hands go to my sides, and he tickles me.

“Ahh!” I squeal before I can stop myself. Kinsley asks if I’m okay. “Yes, I…stepped on something by mistake. I love you, and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Okay, love you too. See you tomorrow. Don’t forget to call Lachlan, okay?”

“Okay, Kins. Night.”


We hang up, and I drop my phone onto the table and then smack Lachlan in the chest. “Not cool! You can’t tickle me when I’m on the phone.”

“How was I supposed to know you would be that ticklish?” He laughs, then attempts to tickle me again. This time I see it coming and try to climb off his lap to get away, but Lachlan is stronger and holds me to him, not allowing me to get up. “I think your daughter likes me almost as much as her mom does,” he says with a wink.

Gripping the back of my hair, he pulls my face into his for a quick kiss. “So?” he asks.

“So, what?”

“Aren’t you going to ask me to go to her game tomorrow?”

“That’s not what she asked me to do,” I point out. “She asked me to ask if you’re going.”

“Okay, so ask.” His hands move from my hair down to my waist, gripping the curves of my hips, and distracting me.

“Q,” he prompts.

“Are you going to Kinsley’s game?”

“That depends.”


“If her mom wants me there.” His hands move down to my ass, and he gives my butt cheeks a squeeze that has me jumping in shock and laughing at the same time.

Wrapping my arms back around his neck, I lay my head down on his shoulder. His beard tickles my face as I kiss the side of his neck. “It feels like everything is happening so fast,” I murmur, closing my eyes and relaxing farther into his lap. The amount of alcohol I’ve drank is definitely catching up to me. I feel warm and tingly all over.

“Maybe so,” he says, running his fingers through my hair and pushing it to the side so it’s out of my face. “But maybe when it’s right, it doesn’t matter how fast things move.”

I nod into his shoulder in agreement, but not entirely sure if I really do agree. Things moved fast with Rick, but it definitely wasn’t right. I think for a moment, trying to decide if I should voice my thoughts or just let it go. I’m so comfortable in Lachlan’s arms, I don’t want to say anything that will ruin the moment. His fingers move from my hair to my back, trailing lines up and down, forcing my body to become even more relaxed by his touch.

Tags: Nikki Ash Romance