Page 14 of Through His Eyes

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So, even though it makes me sick to feel like this—weak and insecure—I wait with bated breath for him to realize he’s checking out an overweight, almost forty, single mom. But it doesn’t happen. Instead, he cocks his head to the side and licks his lips like he wants to make me his next meal. His muscular arms flex slightly as he crosses them over his chest, and the side of his mouth pulls into a cocky grin. “Please tell me you’re inked under all those clothes and my day will be made,” he says.

My body ignites at his words, making me feel things I haven’t allowed myself to feel in years. I haven’t wanted anyone to see what’s under my clothes since Rick, but with the way he’s looking at me, and talking to me, my hormones are taking over and telling me to strip down right here and show him what he wants to see.

“My mommy has lots of tattoos,” Kinsley says, reminding me there’s a five year old in the room who’s listening to every word he’s saying.

And with that realization, I’m able to regain my voice. “What’s underneath my clothes in none of your business,” I state matter-of-factly, cringing on the inside because if he did, in fact, actually see what’s under my clothes, he’d probably stop looking at me like he wants to devour me. “I’m here to see Jax,” I say, grabbing Kinsley’s hand and pulling her behind me down the hallway.

“Whoa! Wait!” he yells after me. “We’re really not open yet, and Jax is appointment-only.” I see him in my peripheral vision rushing to catch up to me, but I don’t stop. I don’t have time for this. I don’t have time to play whatever games he’s trying to play.

“I don’t need an appointment.”

“We have a no kids in the back rule,” he informs me, chasing after me. When we get to the back office, I swing the door open to find Willow in Jax’s lap, and the two of them making out like horny teenagers. Jesus! It’s not even noon yet.

Kinsley giggles, and I quickly shut the door.

“I’m going to have to ask you to come back up to the front,” Lachlan says with a scowl. I roll my eyes—a childish habit I’ve been unable to break over the years—as the office door opens and out walks Jax and Willow. Both dressed similarly in a black Forbidden Ink shirt and jeans—only Willow’s shirt is lower, showing off her tattooed cleavage, and her jeans are a lot tighter.

“Uncle Jax,” Kinsley yells, throwing herself into her uncle’s arms, while a fresh set of tears fill her eyes. While I know my daughter is genuinely upset over missing her field trip, I’m also way too aware at how well she’s learned to play her aunt and uncle over the years.

Jax, of course, buys her tears and picks her up. “What’s the matter, K?” he asks, even though he already knows. I explained it all to him on my way here when I asked if they could please watch Kinsley for a couple hours. Speaking of which…I pull my phone out of my pocket to check the time. Shit! I am so late.

“Mommy made me late, and I missed going to the science museum,” she cries, like it’s literally the end of the world. Willow’s brows furrow in sympathy as she rubs Kinsley’s back. My heart swells as I watch my brother and his girlfriend love on my daughter. One of my biggest fears was that she wouldn’t grow up in a loving household, so it makes my world feel complete to know my daughter is surrounded by so many people who love her and would do anything to make sure she’s taken care of and happy. Even if it means buying into her dramatics.

“I’m sorry, K,” Jax says. “I know it’s not the same, but Willow and I are looking forward to hanging out with you today.”

“It’s not the same,” my way too honest daughter says with a pout, causing Willow and Lachlan to laugh under their breath.

And then Lachlan glances my way. “Sorry. I didn’t know you were Jax’s sister.” He shrugs unapologetically, then extends his hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Quinn.”

“No worries,” I tell him, quickly shaking his hand, while trying like hell not to stare at his sexy mouth. “Kinsley, I’ll be back in a couple hours,” I tell my daughter, who’s now refusing to acknowledge me. Apparently, we’ve left Upset Avenue and have ventured back onto Pissed Off Avenue. At least she’s no longer yelling at me and saying I’m the bane of her existence.

“I love you,” I tell her, giving her a kiss on her cheek. As I walk away, I try not to look back. For one, my heart is breaking over how upset my daughter is, and from the fact I caused it. And two, I have a strange feeling Lachlan is staring at my ass. I make it halfway down the hallway before I give in and steal a glance back over my shoulder. And sure enough, my daughter is back to crying on her uncle’s shoulder, and Lachlan is, in fact, staring at my ass.

Tags: Nikki Ash Romance