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Ace took a deep breath as he held the ring up. “Last week, while I was giving you space, I went to visit my parents and brother and I got this. This is my Grandma Lulu’s wedding ring. My brother inherited it, but he owed me one.” Ace grinned. “When he gave it to me he asked who the lucky lady was and I told him it was you. He asked if this was going to be a surprise, and I told him that since you weren’t even talking to me at the moment, that was a safe bet.”

Stephanie laughed and Ace reached for her hand. “But since we’re back on speaking terms, there’s something I wanted to ask you. Stephanie Kay Holland will you make me the luckiest man in the world and be my wife?”

Before she answered verbally, a huge smile lit up her face and she began nodding. Ace took that as his answer. He stood and picked her up, kissing her like his life depended on it, because that’s what it felt like. Like he needed her more than water, food and oxygen.

“Oh sorry.” A deep voice sounded behind him.

Ace turned and saw Dax inside the doorway. “We were just…leaving.” He pointed past Ace and Stephanie to where the steps led down to the parking lot.

Stephanie squirmed for Ace to let her down, and reluctantly he did.

“Thank you again for coming,” Stephanie stepped around the men and hugged someone standing behind Dax. “And for performing. It was amazing. The best birthday present ever.”

Ace stepped where he could view who Stephanie was talking to and saw that it was Ginny Valentine. And she was leaving. WithDax. Apparently, his friend hadn’t choked this time when he saw her.

Stephanie loved her music so much, Ace had called her last week to hire her to come and play for her party.

“Thank this guy,” Ginny motioned to Ace. “He said he would move heaven and earth to get me here and he did. I played a festival in California this afternoon and was going to fly in after but he chartered a plane just so there wouldn’t be any delays. I got here two hours before I was even scheduled to perform.”

“Thanks, again.” Ace hugged the petite country singer.

“Okay, well.” Dax stepped between them and hugged Stephanie. “Happy birthday, Steph. Glad to see you and this guy are back together. He’s miserable without you. See you guys later.”

Stephanie and Ace watched the duo head down the back stairwell. When the door shut she turned and beamed up at him, smiling with her eyes. “Thank you. Thank you for the party, for Scott, for Virginia Valentine. And for this.”

She pointed to the ring and he realized he was still holding it. He remedied that, by sliding it onto her finger. It fit. Perfectly. Like it was made for her. Like she was made for him.

He had a feeling that Grandma Lulu was smiling down on them, happy that he’d found someone that would score so high on her scale. He knew that they had what it took to make a relationship last. This ring was the last C, commitment. He was hers and she was his. Forever.


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Tags: Melanie Shawn Romance