Page 37 of Sex on the Beach

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There was a beat of silence before she finally looked at me. Her gorgeous baby blues searched mine. “You do?”

“I do.”

“Really?” Her expression was hopeful but wary.

“You don’t strike me as a liar.” I grinned.

She bit the inside of her mouth and I could see that there was a slight bit of relief there. Then I watched as she took a deep breath. “Well, the reason I’m telling you is…the thing is…I just…I don’t want to be a virgin anymore.”

Every primal instinct I had roared to life. All of my systems were go. My cock was convinced that he was being called to action. But my brain knew better. I was not about to assume a fucking thing. As far as I knew, Bella was just confiding in me and nothing more.

“Okay,” I answered, hoping my voice sounded neutral and not too eager.

“Okay?” she questioned.

That’s when I saw it—the vulnerability in her eyes. And I knew that my first instincts had been right. She wasn’t just sharing information with me. She was recruiting me.

“Are you saying that you’d like me to help you with that?” I figured that was the least aggressive and creepy way of saying that.

“Yes,” she sighed with relief.

Well, damn, she didn’t have to ask me twice.

“I mean, if not, it’s totally fine. You don’t have to—”

“Is this something that you’d like to happen tonight or…?”

“Tonight.” She nodded her head, with eager anticipation, and I damn near blew my load in my pants.

My dick throbbed at her response, but I could see that there was a lot of nervousness behind her enthusiasm. My body was screaming for me to get naked, get her naked, get the job done.

This was her first time, though, and she was trusting me with it. I didn’t take the responsibility lightly. I needed to figure out how in the hell I was going to make it last for more than three seconds.

I also needed some clarity on a few points.

“So that morning on the boat?” I realized that I’d started the conversation this way as well, but this time I was referring to something completely different. “Was that the first time you ever—”


She almost looked relieved that I’d asked her that. I took that as a good sign and continued.

“And on the Ferris wheel, has anyone ever touched you—”


Fuuuuuck. If I’d thought I was gonna blow my load before, I was seriously going to now. We were both fully clothed and hadn’t even touched each other and my balls were tightening with release.

No one had ever touched her before me. And she’d never gone down on anyone before me. I didn’t know what I’d done to deserve this gift in front of me, but I was going to do everything in my power not to fuck it up.

“What have you done?”

“Um…” She bit her bottom lip as her chest rose and fell in heavy breaths.

I could see that she was struggling to name specifics so I figured I would give her a hand. I lifted my hand and trailed my fingertip along the neckline of her dress over her cleavage. Her eyes dropped to where I was touching her, and I ran my finger down over her hardened nipples, which were poking through the fabric. “Has anyone touched you here?”


My body was strung tighter than it had been in my life. Just hearing the sounds of her breathy anticipation was about to put me over the edge. I couldn’t let my mind stray to the significance of what was happening. Later I would think about it, analyze it and appreciate it fully—but right now, I just needed to focus on her and how to make this night the best it could be.

Tags: Melanie Shawn Erotic