Page 32 of Sex on the Beach

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With each step I took, I found myself so overwhelmed by just being in her presence again that I couldn’t think of anything to say to her. It wasn’t something I’d ever had an issue with before—and some would even say that was a serious understatement—so I had no clue how to handle it. I wasn’t sure if it was because I’d built this date up so much in my head that I was paralyzed by it, or if just being next to Bella short-circuited my brain. I was leaning toward short-circuit.

“Thanks for going with me,” she breathed. “I was going to go by myself, but…”

“You’re scared.” I could hear it in her voice.

“You’re not scared?” she asked.

Of her effect on me? Yes. Of the house? No.


“You don’t believe in ghosts?” Her head tilted as she looked up at me.

“Sure I do.”

“But you’re not scared of them?” Her eyes widened.

I lifted my shoulder in a shrug. “Never had one give me a reason to be.”

The corners of her eyes crinkled as she appeared to be considering my statement before she slowly nodded. “That makes sense.”

“Are you? Scared of ghosts?”

“I’m scared of a lot of things.” She blew out a long breath and shook out her hands.

Her answer took me by surprise. That wasn’t the impression that I got from this beautiful creature at all. But like everything about Bella, I was beginning to learn, she was a dichotomy. Fearless yet timid. Innocent yet seductive. Shy yet bold.

I couldn’t understand how someone who was so obviously genuine and authentic could also be all those things wrapped into one. Or how the more time I spent with her, the more questions I had. She was like a Russian nesting doll, each time I uncovered one layer, there was another more intricate and delicate layer to discover underneath.

She remained quiet as we approached the estate, which loomed in the distance, far off the road at the end of a long driveway. Leaves draped from mature oaks, forming a canopy above our heads as we turned down the long and winding path that led to the house. The covering blocked the moonlight that had been illuminating her beautiful face, so I couldn’t see what her reaction to the mansion was.

When we reached the entrance, I found out how she was feeling. She stopped and stared at the door as if she were being asked to walk the plank.

I looked up at the massive colonial-style estate, framed by a set of white columns, and tried to see it through Bella’s eyes. It was difficult to do since I’d grown up with it.

Since I wasn’t sure what the etiquette was, I started to walk forward, but she stayed in place.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

“Hmm, hmm.” She nodded, her eyes staring straight ahead, standing stock still.

“We don’t have to go in if you’re scared.”

“Yes, we do.” She nodded.

I wasn’t sure if she was trying to convince me, or herself.

She bit her lip before looking at me. “Is it okay if I hold onto you?”

“Darlin’, I’d be offended if ya didn’t.” I offered her my arm.

Hell, I wanted to tell her that it was damn near tradition in this town to bring girls to the Abernathy so they could snuggle up to ya, but I didn’t think bragging about the other ladies I’d brought here was really gonna help the situation.

Beside me, Bella inhaled slowly through her nose and then exhaled through her mouth. She gripped my arm tightly and I could feel her nails digging into me. I was sure that I’d have half-moon marks embedded in my skin and I wasn’t mad about it.

After two deep breaths she nodded. “Okay. I’m ready.”

We walked inside and I handed her the headphones that people wore for the guided tour.

“Aren’t you going to put them on?” She stared at them like they were a bomb about to detonate.

“I’ve heard it once or twice before.” And I could recite the damn thing backward and forward.

“Right. Okay.” She released my arm from her clutches, slid the headphones on, and immediately returned to her death grip.

I wasn’t sure why she’d decided to start facing her fears, but I was damn sure glad I was the man she trusted to help her do it.

Tags: Melanie Shawn Erotic