Page 19 of Sex on the Beach

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That was another thing I decided I wanted to work on. All my life, I’d felt like no one had any interest in anything I had to say. I was sure that most of that stemmed from my relationship with my parents. My mother was always just so sad, and seemed to be in her own world. And my father…well, he really didn’t seem to care about anything I had to say.

“How long are you going to be in town?” she asked.

“I’m not sure.” I hadn’t made any concrete plans. Mrs. B had invited me to her mahjong game tonight, and I was thinking I’d like to stick around for the festival that was in just a few days. And if I run into Jimmy again, all the better…

“Well, I’m actually on my way to my family’s bar. I’m meeting my brothers—”

“Brothers?” She’d never mentioned anything about brothers.

“Yep.” She beamed with pride. “Three of them. Two older and one younger.”

“Wow.” I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy. I’d always wanted siblings. Someone that I could share a familial bond with. I’d never felt like I had that with either of my parents.

“They called a family meeting.”

Family meeting. That was the second time I’d heard that phrase since I got into town. Jimmy had mentioned that he had his own family meeting the day before. Maybe it was a thing people did down in the South. Or maybe it was just a Firefly Island thing.

She checked her watch. “Actually, I’m running late.”

“Okay, well, um, let me get your number.” I dug my phone out of my purse. “I’ll text you later and maybe we can grab a drink or—”

“Nope. I’m not letting you out of my sight.” She hooked her arm through mine. “Do you know how many years I’ve waited to hang out with you outside of school premises? You’re coming with me.”

“I thought you said it was a family meeting.”

“I did.” She nodded as she dragged me along with her.

“I don’t want to intrude.”

“Are you kidding me? Intrude? I’m going to get soooo many brownie points for bringing my hot Yankee friend to meet them.”

Hot friend?Was that honestly how she saw me? I’d always thought of myself as plain. She was most likely just being kind.

“In fact, I’m probably going to have to mop up the drool from the ground. Plus, it’s not like we have anything that private going on. Unless… maybe Reagan is pregnant.”


“She’s my brother’s fiancée. Or, I guess I should say he wants her to be. She hasn’t said yes. Yet. He’s doing his best to put a ring on it, and I wouldn’t put it past him to knock her up and try to trap her.”

I stared at her, unsure of what to say to that.

“I’m kidding.” She smiled. “Sort of. My brother, or I guess brothers, all strike me as the possessive types. In the best, non-threatening way possible, of course,” she assured me. “They are just all really…alpha. All in different ways, but alpha just the same.”

“Oh.” I nodded.

“My oldest brother barely says anything, but he just sort of radiates this quiet authority. And my middle brother is a little broody, but he’s a charmer. His nickname was Panty Dropper before he met Reagan.”

“The girl that he wants to put a ring on, and who may or may not be pregnant.” I was trying to keep it all straight in my head.

She pointed at me. “Exactly.”

“And my younger brother, well, he’s not broody at all. He’s the most easygoing, laid back guy you’d ever want to meet. But I don’t know, he has this way about him. This sort of intrinsic capableness. Guys want to be friends with him, and women want to be with him. He just makes everyone around him happy all the time. He puts everyone at ease. People gravitate toward him. I don’t think he’s ever had a long-term relationship, but whoever he ends up with is going to be a very lucky lady.”

“Wow.” He sounded like quite the guy.

If I’d been in the market for a relationship, a real relationship that is, not just one to mark off my list, he sounded exactly like who I’d want to be with. Actually, he sounded a lot like Jimmy.

“I can’t wait for you to meet them. And who knows? Two of them are single.” She wagged her eyebrows.

I doubted that either of them would get my mind off of Jimmy. I couldn’t stop thinking about his eyes. His hands. His smile. His scent. His walk. His voice. His neck. His arms. His dick. It was a problem.

“So, come. Please,” she begged.

If I’d been in this situation last week, there was no way I would have. Decorum wouldn’t have permitted me to. But then again, I would’ve never been in this situation last week because I still would’ve been in my high-rise apartment in Manhattan. Lonely. Bored. And sad.

“Yes. I’d love to meet your brothers.” And it was true. Even though I had a feeling they wouldn’t hold a candle to Jimmy.

Tags: Melanie Shawn Erotic