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Viv grinned. “Yep, he did.”

The rate at which gossip spread in this town had taken some getting used to when she’d first moved to Hope Falls. Growing up in Los Angeles, she hadn’t been accustomed to everyone knowing everyone’s business. Now, she didn’t even blink an eye that a few hours after an innocent interaction, tongues would be wagging.

“Are you calling dibs?” Cindy shimmied her shoulders.

“He did come in…” Viv paused for dramatic effect drawing out the suspense. Viv loved a little bit of drama. “to get his daughter.”

It was widely known that Viv didn’t date men with kids. No one had ever asked her to explain why. People assumed that she didn’t like kids or that she didn’t want any baby mama drama. Neither of which were the actual reason.

Cindy’s smile dropped and she narrowed her eyes. “From what I hear that man might just be fine enough to break, or at least bend your rule.”

He was…which was exactly why Viv would not be breaking or bending said rule.

Before she could respond, Nonna came through the door that led to the hallway where the resident rooms were located.

“I see you pull in.” Viv should have known eagle eye Nonna would have been sitting by her window that overlooked the parking lot waiting for her arrival. “Why you sit in your car so long?” Nonna asked in an accusatory tone.

Viv loved the fact that even though Nonna had lived here in the States for nearly fifty years, she still had a thick accent that was a mixture of both her Greek and Italian heritage. She found it so impressive that Nonna had learned English when she was in her early thirties. Viv had tried and failed to learn Spanish on several different language apps.

“I was just answering an email.” Viv hadn’t told anyone, not even Nonna, that she was looking for her father. There was no reason to unless she actually found him, which was looking less and less likely.

“So, what are you two ladies up to tonight?” Cindy inquired.

“We’re going to meet the buyers—"

“We’re getting tattoo,” Nonna spoke over her.

Nonna loved to say that every time anyone asked what they were doing. Once, they’d actually gone and done just that. They’d been in Vegas on a trip that Viv had surprised Nonna with to see Magic Mike Live. After the show they walked by a tattoo shop and Nonna wanted to go inside.

Both the male review show and getting inked were on Nonna’s wish list of life experiences. Viv had never had any desire to get tattooed, but when Nonna was scared, she’d offered to get inked right along with her.

Since they are both huge Taylor Swift fans, Swifties for life, they got hearts tattooed on their feet like the one the superstar was rumored to have on her own foot. Nonna loved the reaction people had whenever she told them that she’d gotten a tattoo, so now she liked to tease people by saying she was getting another one.

The phone rang and Cindy lifted her hand to wave. “Well, you two have fun.”

“Your chariot awaits.” Viv held out her hand as Nonna walked with her cane which she’d been using more and more over the past few months.

Viv was happy that she was finally putting it to use since Josh had bought several of them for her years ago, but it was a visual reminder that she was not able to get around like she used to.

Her body might be ninety-one but her mind was still sharp as a tack.

As soon as they were settled in the car, Nonna said, “I hear you have new boyfriend. A Maguire man.”

I wish.

“Nope.” Viv shook her head. “The rumors are not true. There’s a new Maguire in town but he has a daughter.”

Nonna waved her hand at Viv dismissively. She’d been very vocal about letting Viv know she thought her rule was ridiculous. “That’s good thing. Then you see what father he will be.”

Viv wasn’t the only one with PR skills who could spin any situation into a positive. Nonna was the master. She could also out-stubborn any mule on the planet so Viv didn’t bother arguing with Nonna that her rule was valid.

Instead, she changed the subject. “How was art class today?”

Even though she was well past the age of retirement, Nonna still went to “work” every day at the auto shop that Josh had inherited from his father. Viv wasn’t exactly sure what she did there, other than harass Josh. But since Josh was out of town, the shop was closed leaving Nonna with nothing to fill her days. So, Viv had talked Nonna into taking some of the classes that Golden Years had to offer.

Today was art.

“Eh, we paint pictures of flowers. Why you need picture when you can see real things?”

Tags: Melanie Shawn Hope Falls: Brewed Awakenings Romance