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Josh got out of his truck and made his way up to the studio. On the short walk, he noticed that there was a heaviness in the air and the clouds overhead looked dark and ominous. All day he’d known that a storm was coming. Ever since the explosion, his back was more accurate than any meteorologist. It had been aching since he woke up this morning, not the usual pain but the bone deep gnawing ache that only happened when there was a storm coming in.

When he reached for the door, he realized it was actually convenient that Nonna had asked him to stop by because he’d been planning on checking this place out once it opened. His PT had suggested incorporating yoga into his therapy and it had made a difference. It wasn’t a cure-all by any means, but it had helped with his core strength and also flexibility, which in turn helped with his back pain.

As he pulled open the glass door and walked in, it took his brain a second to catch up to what his eyes were seeing. Viv was standing in front of him, but she wasn’t alone. Audrey was there.

“Hey, J! What are you doing here?” Viv asked, seeming to be surprised to see him there.

“Nonna sent me to pick up some paperwork.”

“Oh, crap. I forgot to tell her that I was covering this. She did say she would check it out but I figured AcroYoga wasn’t her thing. Sorry it was a wasted trip, and you came by for nothing.”

Josh looked over at Audrey who smiled at him. It wasn’t a wasted trip, and he hadn’t come by for nothing because he got to see her smile. That was everything to him. She was everything to him.

When a blush rose on her creamy cheeks he wondered if she could read his mind. He needed to get out of here before his thoughts turned less PG, which they always did when Audrey was around.

“No worries. See ya.” He lifted his hand and was turning to go when Viv stopped him.

“Actually, if you have some time would you mind taking the AcroYoga class with Audrey? I hurt my back the other day and I just don’t think I’m up for it.” Viv put her hand on her lower back.

Josh had no idea what AcroYoga was, but it was an excuse to spend time with Audrey so he didn’t care. There was only one problem.

He glanced down at his jeans, boots, and hoodie. “I would but I don’t think I’m dressed for it.”

“No worries! I have just the thing!” With that Viv rushed around him and out the door leaving him and Audrey standing alone in the lobby of the yoga studio.

Concern etched her face in the form of a wrinkle on her forehead. “Are you sure you can do it with your back? I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”

“Yoga is good for my back. I was actually thinking of picking up a class schedule once it opened.”

“Oh, okay.” Audrey shifted from one foot to another and that’s when he noticed her reflection in the mirror she had her back to.

Fucking hell, her ass looked amazing in those yoga pants. They were scrunched in the center and he got a semi-chub just from a reflection. Beads of sweat broke out on the back of his neck. If she did downward dog in front of him he might cream his pants.

“Are you okay?” she asked as she tilted her head, her concern returning.

“Yep.” He diverted his eyes just as Viv rushed back inside and thrust a pair of sweats and a shirt at him.

“You can be my guinea pig and tell me if they’re comfortable.”

Josh looked down at the garments he was holding. “What are they?”

“They’re swag for singles week.”

Just as he was looking around for somewhere to change a woman walked out from the back. He recognized her as the owner, Tiana. She’d moved to town about a month ago and he hadn’t met her yet, but this was Hope Falls so, of course, he knew her name and most of her life story. She was going through a divorce with a high-profile athlete and had moved to Hope Falls for a new start.

When she saw him, she smiled, “Oh, hi. We’re actually not open yet.”

“Oh, no,” Viv interrupted her. “This is Josh. He’s going to be taking the class with Audrey.”

Tiana looked surprised but she rolled with it. “Oh, okay.”

“Do you have somewhere I could change?” Josh asked.

“Oh, yes, of course. Right down the hall, second door on the left.”

Josh walked past Audrey and as he caught a whiff of her sweet, floral shampoo he wondered what in the hell had he just gotten himself into? And, more importantly, how in the hell was he going to hide his reaction to Audrey while wearing gray sweats?

Tags: Melanie Shawn Hope Falls: Brewed Awakenings Romance