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“Your destination is approaching on your left,” a female robotic voice came through the speakers as the sign for Mountain Ridge Outdoor Adventures came into view. “You have arrived at your destination.”

Even though his schedule wasn’t going to be as demanding working for the small-town force, he still didn’t want to leave Blake to her own devices. Literally. He’d taken all of her devices away from her sans her iPad that had no internet. So he knew that he had to figure out some way to keep her busy.

He’d asked Logan what there was for teenagers to do in Hope Falls since his stepson Drew was the same age as Blake. Logan told him that there was a day camp in town. It was primarily for disadvantaged, low-income youth from outside the area, but all the teens in town participated in it as well. His friend explained that Drew’s best friend was actually related to the owners and both of the boys were going to be volunteering there over the summer.

“What are we doing here?” Blake sat up and looked around as he pulled into a parking space in front of the resort’s office. “I thought you rented us a cabin, with a spa.”

Asher hadn’t filled Blake in on how she would be spending her days while he was at work. He figured why buy trouble? She was already unhappy with her new living situation. And the fact that he’d taken her phone and computer away from her.

Blake had been all for moving in with her dad when she thought she’d be spending her days in an apartment in Staten Island alone because Asher worked sixty plus hours a week. But after she found out that he’d quit and was moving to a small town in California where he’d be working basically a nine to five, she’d been furious.

So, he was breaking the bad news to her in stages.

First, the move.

Second, loss of technology.

And now, the fact that she’d be spending her days at a youth summer camp.

“You’re going to hang out here while I’m at work.”

Her brow creased as she slowly repeated, “Hang out?”

“Yeah.” He got out of the SUV and started walking toward the camp office to check in.

She quickly scrambled out of the car and caught up with him. “What do you mean hang out?”

“You’re going to go to camp.”

“Camp?!” she yelled as she rushed in front of him and put her hand on his chest. “Camp is for babies!”

“Not this camp. It’s for ages twelve to seventeen.” He stepped around her.

She grabbed his arm and tugged as hard as she could. Blake weighed a hundred pounds soaking wet and had the strength of a yapping Chihuahua, but he allowed himself to be turned so that he was facing her.

“No!” She shook her head. “You can’t make me do this! You can’t take away my phone! And my computer! And go to some baby camp and make me live here!”

“Yes. I can,” he stated firmly.

Tears began to form in her eyes and two rainforest sized drops fell down her cheeks. “Please don’t do this,” she begged through a shaky voice.

He heard Jenna’s voice in the back of his head. “Don’t fall for her tears. She can turn them on and off like a faucet. There are stages of her rebellion. Anger. Pleading. Bargaining. More anger. More pleading. More bargaining. Acceptance.”

He was glad his ex had given him a head’s up because the large, crocodile tears were actually chipping away at his resolve.

Her antics would never work if she was suspect. And even though he hadn’t been that involved in her life up until now, she was still his baby. When he looked at her, he still saw a two-year-old in footie pajamas with her hands lifted in the air asking to be picked up.

“I promise, I’ll do anything you ask. I’ll clean, I’ll do the dishes, I’ll make dinner. I’ll be Cinder-freaking-rella, just don’t make me go to this stupid camp! Please!” her voice and bottom lip quivered as tears continued to fall from her large blue eyes.

“You’ll have fun.” He started to turn again but she grabbed his arm with a little more force than she had the first time.

He was actually impressed by the strength she managed with her spaghetti arms.

“Why do you even care what I do?! You’ve never cared before! You never gave a shit about me!”

He knew this was coming. He knew that his absence was going to be thrown in his face. And he took it, because he deserved it.

“Just because I was an asshole, doesn’t mean I’m going to let you turn out to be one.”

Tags: Melanie Shawn Hope Falls: Brewed Awakenings Romance