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One of the times she’d gone down to the precinct, she’d left a gift for Asher. It was a white gold chain with a St. Michael the Archangel pendant. He knew from going to church with his grandparents when he was young that Michael was the patron saint of the warrior. Catholics believe that he protects those who strive for security, safety, and peace like law enforcement and military persons.

He adjusted the chain around his neck. He hadn’t taken it off since the day his captain gave it to him. The gift meant more to him than just a token of her gratitude. He had a very strong emotional attachment to it. Maybe it was because he’d received it on the day his divorce was finalized. He’d never felt so lost and alone, and the gift from a total stranger made him feel like he wasn’t on his own. Like there was someone that cared about him.

“Dad!” Blake knocked loudly on the door. “Mom wants to talk to you!”

He’d let Blake use his phone to call Jenna since he’d taken hers away from her. She wanted to tell her mom about the cabin and meeting Karina Black and also that their realtor was Lauren Harrison, who apparently was the star of Jenna’s favorite HGTV show Home Sweet Home.

After securing the towel around his waist he opened the door. When Blake handed him the phone, he saw his daughter’s lips purse when she noticed his scar. Blake wasn’t a fan of the fact that he’d thrown himself in front of a civilian and it had almost cost him his life. He’d tried to tell her that was in his job description as a police officer. He’d sworn to protect and serve.

Jenna had forced Blake and Asher to go to counseling about it, both together and her individually. The therapist believed that Blake associated the shooting with the divorce and that the two were intertwined emotionally. He thought her therapist was overpaid and full of shit, but no one asked his opinion so he kept it to himself.

Asher took his phone and lifted it to his ear. “Hello.”

“How do you do it? Seriously, I need to know. What is the secret?”

It was clear by Jenna’s sarcastic tone that her question was not sincere, but since he didn’t have a clue what she was talking about, he took the bait and asked, “Secret to what?”

“You move her to a town the size of a postage stamp. Enroll her in a summer camp. Take her phone and computer away from her. And somehow, someway, you still come out smelling like roses. She just declared that you are, and I quote, the best dad in the entire world.”

Asher smiled. Blake had been on cloud nine since they left the café. And when they came to meet the realtor, Lauren, her excitement tripled because not only was Lauren, Lauren from Home Sweet Home, when Blake freaked out that she was who she was and told the realtor she’d just met Karina Black, Lauren told Blake that Karina wasn’t the only celebrity in town. Apparently, Kyle Austen Reed and Shayne Fox were also Hope Falls residents.

Asher might have been living under a rock for the past twenty years, but even he knew who Kyle Austen Reed and Shayne Fox were. They were A-List actors who had starred in one of Asher’s favorite action movies Red Card Warning.

“Last night she screamed at me that I was ruining her life, so I think we should take anything she says with a grain of salt.” Asher replied to his ex.

“I can hear you smiling.” Jenna monotoned. “Was this some big master plan, to move her to the Aspen of California, or was it just dumb luck?”

“The what?”

“Aspen Colorado, it’s known for the celebrities that have vacation homes there.”

“I didn’t know any celebrities lived here. Believe me, if I had I would have told her about them a week ago.” Then maybe he wouldn’t have had to deal with silent treatment for the past seven days.

“I just don’t understand how you always come out on top. You are always her hero.”

“I think you’re greatly overestimating our daughter’s devotion. It’s fickle on the best of days.”

“Hey, I was thinking I might come out and surprise her for her birthday, if that’s okay with you. I’ve never been apart from her on her birthday.”

Asher had never been with her on her actual birthday. He celebrated with her every year, but never on the actual day she was born.

“Sure, I know she’d love to see you and James.”

“Actually…it might just be me.”

“Oh, does James have to work?” James was an accountant, so his busy season was around tax time. Normally, he had a lot of free time during the summer.

“Yeah,” Jenna paused and then sniffed. “Something like that.”

Asher didn’t need to be a detective to know that there was trouble in paradise. He knew his ex-wife’s relationship was none of his business, but he found himself wondering if everything was okay. He still loved Jenna, he wasn’t in love with her, but he loved her. He always would. She was his first love, and the mother of his child.

He heard himself asking, “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m good.” Jenna cleared her throat. “Anyway, make sure Blake calls me to let me know how her first day of camp was.”

“Will do.”

He got off the phone and wondered how Blake would take the news if James and Jenna split up. He’d been her step-father since she was six years old. He was glad that she was here with him. It gave Jenna a chance to work out what she needed without Blake being in the middle of it. Hopefully this new environment would be good for everyone.

Tags: Melanie Shawn Hope Falls: Brewed Awakenings Romance