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She might not have ever been a true Whisper Lake resident but she knew that the small town had eyes and ears everywhere. The last thing she needed was word to get out that she’d come to Bridgette’s wedding and hired a stripper, or worse. What if they thought he was an escort?

What would her Uncle Gene and Aunt Faye think?

“Ma’am?” Officer Sexy Stripper spoke in a tone so low it vibrated through her.

She had to give it up to Rasha. If ever there was a man whose penis, she’d be interested in seeing, it was the sex-on-a-stick in front of her.

But she digressed.

Shaking her head, she pleaded, “Look, this can’t happen. Okay. So, whatever it will take for you to go away, just name your price.” She looked around for her purse. She wondered if he took a credit card, or maybe she could Venmo him the money.

Did strippers have Venmo?

“Ma’am I’m going to need you to step outside.”

Her eyes shot back to his. “You want to get naked outside?”

“Ma’am, how much have you had to drink?”

She held up a single finger. “One.”

He stared at her with an air of command and authority that made her want to strip off her own clothes, and she’d do it for free. No money needed.

“One drink?” he questioned.

“One bottle. But that doesn’t mean I want anything to happen.”

“Ma’am is that your Chevy Bel Air Coupe parked out front?”

Wow, this guy really didn’t want to break character. Even though she was horrified that this was happening, she had to admit she was pretty impressed by not only the stripper being one of the hottest men she’d ever seen in her life, but also his commitment to his craft.

Wait. Were they called strippers?

Was that derogatory?

Male exotic dancer.

Why did that sound worse in her head?

She really shouldn’t drink. It was so hard to think when she did.


“What?” She blinked at him and then remembered the question. “Yes. Yeah, that’s my car.”

“I’m going to need you to come down to the station to answer some questions.”

“Okay as much as I appreciate this whole sexy authoritative, commanding thing you’ve got going on, I’m not interested in your services. And whatever your fee is, I’ll double it.”

“Ma’am, it’s against the law to bribe a police officer.”

This guy was really going for it. He must have studied the Meisner Male Dancer Method.

“Is this part of it? I bribe you and then I’m a bad girl and you cuff me?” As soon as she heard the question leave her mouth, she felt her cheeks heat. She wasn’t sure if it was from embarrassment or arousal.

“Ma’am, that Chevy was reported stolen.”

Oh shit. The police had been to Grandad’s house. He must have reported his car stolen. She’d told him that she was taking it, and even left a note for him but he must have been confused.

Tags: Melanie Shawn Whisper Lake Romance