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Grady Caldwellstill couldn’t believe this was his life as he turned his department-issued Whisper Lake PD SUV onto Lake Shore Drive.

A year ago, hell six months ago, if someone would have told him he’d be back in uniform on patrol in a town that boasted less than five thousand residents he would have told them they were crazy.

But that’s exactly where he was.

Grady had spent over a decade working his way up to detective in the major crimes division of the LAPD. He’d paid his dues in uniform and on patrol. He was next in line to be promoted to lieutenant when he’d handed in his notice and moved halfway across the country to a town with a population smaller than that of his first post and taken a demotion to boot.

His phone vibrated in his pocket, and he glanced at the clock on his dash. It was after ten at night. He pulled it out and saw that it was his mom. She was the reason for his major life change, and she was worth it. He’d be a janitor in a prison if it meant he could take care of her.

“Hey Mom, I’m on patrol is everyth—”

“They killed him!” she cried.

“Killed who?”

“Jon Snow!”

“Who?” he asked as the name clicked into place and he realized she must be watching Game of Thrones.

“Why didn’t you tell me they were going to kill him?!”

Sylvia Caldwell was a rare breed of person who didn’t just love spoiler alerts, she required them to enjoy any show or movie she watched. It was the only way that she could relax and actually be entertained as a viewer.

It was the reason his mom loved romance novels so much, because they always had a happy ending. She could deal with anything if she knew the couple was going to ultimately be together.

“You know he’s my favorite!”

“Mom, it’s fine. Just watch the next episode.” He’d give her the bad news when she got to the final season.

“Are you sure?”


As his mom continued to ask for reassurance, a call came over his radio of a possible intruder at 674 Riding Hood Road.

“Mom, I have to go, I have a call. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Okay, honey, see you tomorrow.”

He hung up, flipped a U-turn and made a left onto Enchantment Way. Enchantment Way. If someone had told him that he’d be back in uniform, on patrol in a fairytale themed town he would have told him they were fucking crazy.

But he would do anything for his mom. So here he was.

He hit a right on Robin Hood Road and pulled up to the address on his screen. It was a one-story bungalow with dark gray siding, white trim around the windows, and a deep orange front door. The landscaping was immaculate. A stone walkway lined with landscape lights led to a large porch.

Grady stepped out of the SUV and didn’t see anything out of the ordinary at first glance. He radioed his status and walked the perimeter of the property. He checked for any signs of footprints or disturbed leaves and brush. Any discarded cigarette butts or soda cans. Anything out of place that would be a clue that someone had been lurking.

After doing a preliminary search, he knocked on the front door.

“Coming,” he heard a female voice from the speaker on the Ring doorbell camera.

When the front door opened, he was met by a nearly naked woman wrapped in a barely-there towel. It took him a second, mainly because the curves she was rocking were distracting, but he recalled meeting her last week. She owned Snow White’s Snack Shack.

“Miss Lopez, we met last week, I’m Officer—”

“Caldwell, Grady Caldwell, I know. You can call me Laura.” Her smile was friendly. Very friendly.

Tags: Melanie Shawn Whisper Lake Romance