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“You have actually read my books.”

“Yeah. To my mom. And we can’t wait for the sixth book to come out.”

Tears formed in her eyes and he thought he might have been correct in thinking he’d offended her so he apologized again. “I am sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you. I shouldn’t have said anything about who he ends up with.”

She sniffed and wiped her cheek as a tear slid down and a small smile appeared on her face. “No, it’s not that. It’s just…when I was with Jordan, he never read any of my books. He sort of dismissed my writing because of the genre I write in.”

Grady honestly couldn’t believe that she was actually going to marry that douchebag. He looked up and saw that the dickhead in question was over flirting with the bridesmaids and there was no sign of his date. It boggled his mind that she’d actually stayed with him so long.

He shook those thoughts off, not wanting to waste any of the precious time he had with Liv on Jordan or Bridgette and turned his attention back to Liv. “You are an incredible writer. The way you write your characters, even though it’s historical, they are so relatable. Every time I pick up one of your books it sucks me in from the first page. Not to mention, romance is the highest grossing genre in publishing.” He knew that because he’d heard his mom defend it so often. “People can say what they want, but the numbers don’t lie.”

“Thank you…for saying that.”

“I mean it.” He felt like she still wasn’t convinced that he truly was a fan of her writing and for some reason, in this moment, it was very important to Grady that she knew he was. “I know this might sound crazy but whenever I read the Duke, I relate to him. I feel like I am him. That’s a talented writer that can do that.”

Her eyes went wide, and the blush was back on her cheeks.


“Nothing, I just…yeah, I mean, I can see why you would think that.”

She laid her head on his shoulder, indicating to him that this conversation was over. His hands rested on her lower back and he rubbed his thumbs up in a light massage as her curves molded against him.

He tried to appreciate the moment and drink in every second of it. They were dancing on a bluff overlooking the lake under a blanket of stars. Everything about this night, about every time he was with Liv was perfect. Since the moment he met her, before he knew her name, pen name, or that she wasn’t a felon, he was drawn to her. He had the feeling they belonged together. Grady never believed in fate before, but this was too crazy not to be fate.

Tags: Melanie Shawn Whisper Lake Romance