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The skies were bright blue,the sun was shining, birds were chirping, and it was a breezy seventy-five degrees in Whisper Lake as Liv walked along Lake Shore Drive on the way to The Mane Attraction beauty salon. Chrissy had texted her this morning and told her that she’d set up an appointment for her with her friend Jessa who owned the salon. She spent most of her days sitting in front of her computer in sweats, no makeup and her hair in one of two styles, messy bun or ponytail. So, she would take all the help she could get in the getting glammed up department.

As she crossed the street, she couldn’t help but think it was the perfect day for a wedding, just not her wedding. She had mixed emotions over that fact. On the one hand, she was glad she wasn’t walking down the aisle with Jordan. That would have been the biggest mistake of her life. On the other, as a hopeless romantic she wished she was making that commitment to someone, the right someone.

Someone like Grady. Or at least someone who made her feel the things Grady made her feel. Safe and dangerous all at the same time. She still couldn’t believe that she’d kissed him. Liquid courage was a real thing and it had given her boldness that she didn’t normally have.

The end of the night was sort of a blur, if she was honest. She remembered everything up until she’d downed that third Let Your Hair Down; her and Chrissy hanging out, Grady showing up, Jordan showing up, then Chrissy suggesting she take Grady to the wedding, Chrissy leaving and Grady showing up at her table. After that, it was a little fuzzy. She definitely remembered the kiss, though.

That kiss was going to be branded in her soul forever. The way his hand had cupped the back of her neck and his thumb had grazed her jaw. He was a master level kisser. Or at least, she thought he was. She’d been pretty hammered and she might be remembering it through a vodka-soaked filter. What if she was remembering this grand romantic smooch and in reality she’d mauled him and the kiss she thought was hot was actually a sloppy mess?

What if, because of that, he didn’t show up tonight and she had to go to the wedding by herself?

Oh well. She’d planned on attending the event sans a plus one before and if that ended up being the case, she’d be fine. Embarrassed, but fine.

She tried to put what might or might not happen out of her mind as she arrived at the salon. The next few hours she just wanted to relax and not overthink things. When she walked inside, she was impressed by the modern, rustic vibe. Three walls were white shiplap and the wall in the back was exposed brick. The floors were a wide plank light oak that contrasted with the ceiling which was painted black with exposed duct work. And the stations were all black with large circular wood framed mirrors hanging in front of them.

There were four stylists and all of them had someone in their chairs. The woman closest to the door was wearing high waisted jean shorts, a white polka dot shirt that was tied at the waist, a red bandana in her hair and looked like she could be in a pinup magazine. She smiled at Liv. “Hi! You must be Liv. I’m Jessa, take a seat, I’ll be right with you.”

“Okay, thanks.” Liv wished she had the sort of style that this woman possessed.

She’d always been a plain Jane. Brown hair. Plain. Blue eyes. Plain.

Her mom had always been the beauty in the family. Literally. She was a beauty queen. She’d held several titles including Miss USA. Even in her fifties, she was stunning. Liv had always felt like a watered-down version of her.

Meredith St. Claire looked like she could be one of the models on the magazines that were sitting on the table in the waiting area. Liv picked one up to try and occupy herself while she waited. She’d just begun thumbing through the pages of Vogue when she heard someone walk in.

She looked up and saw a slip of a woman wearing a shawl and walking with a cane. It took Liv a second before she recognized her. When the woman sat down beside her Liv waffled on whether or not she should introduce herself.

If she was in the city, she wouldn’t bother. But this was Whisper Lake so she figured when in Rome and all that.

“Hello, Mrs. Chen. I don’t know if you remember me, I’m—”

“Olive St. Claire. You checked out Pride and Prejudice and were two months late returning it. You still owe two ninety-seven in late fees.”

Wow. That was nearly twenty years ago. “Do you still work at the library?”

“No. I haven’t for years. But I never forget a late fee.”

As unnerving as this interaction was, it was also impressive. The woman’s mind was like a steel trap.

“I hear you have a date with Officer Caldwell this evening. The two of you were spotted necking at the B&B.”

How in the world had someone seen them? It was either that nosy guy across the hall or Karen Carpenter (not the singer), Liv’s money was on Karen.

“Oh, we weren’, no it was just a... we kissed.” Liv wasn’t sure why she was feeling so flustered by Mrs. Chen’s questioning.

“Liv, I’m ready for you,” Jessa called out as she finished sweeping up hair on the floor around her chair.

Relief washed over Liv as she stood. “Nice seeing you again, Mrs. Chen.”

Mrs. Chen’s expression didn’t change. “You too, dear.”

Liv sat the magazine down and walked over to Jessa’s station. Jessa held the back of the chair as Liv lowered into it.

Mariah Carey’s “Fantasy”played through the speakers and the clients and stylists were all chatting around them.

Jessa leaned down as she turned the chair, so Liv was facing the mirror and whispered, “Mrs. Chen can be a little intense.”

Tags: Melanie Shawn Whisper Lake Romance