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When they made it back to the B&B, he was actually sad that the night was over. He usually hated dealing with drunk people, which he had to do a lot in his line of work. Liv, however, was the exception to that rule, she was a fucking adorable drunk. He never thought he’d say that about anyone.

He helped her up the steps and into the B&B. He’d stayed there his first weekend in town and knew where Karen kept the key. As they walked through the reception area she bumped her hip on the desk and then stumbled into him. He managed to get her down the narrow hallway without her falling against the walls which might disturb other guests. He felt like he was playing a game of operation and if she touched the walls a buzzer would go off.

When he made it to her door, she fished the key out of her purse and was able to unlock the door. She stepped inside and placed her hand on his forearm. The touch was innocent but it still had him firing on all cylinders.

Her large blue eyes lifted to his and he found himself drowning in her aqua gaze. “Thank you.”

He wasn’t exactly sure what she was thanking him for, but his answer was the same no matter what it was. “My pleasure.”

She smiled and he felt it spread through him like a shot of whiskey. Warm tingles rushed from the tip of his head to the bottom of his feet. He was buzzed, and not from the one and a half beers he’d had. He was feeling drunk off arousal.

And that was his cue to leave.

“Good night.” He started to turn but she reached out and gripped his shirt, pulling him toward her as she lifted up on her toes and pressed her lips to his.

It was very rarely that people took him by surprise, but that’s exactly what Liv had done. When he felt her soft lips touch his, for a moment, he was stunned. Then, she pulled his bottom lip between hers and he felt the tip of her lip run across it. An involuntary moan rumbled from deep in his chest. Her tongue slid between his lips and when it touched his, it snapped the very thin thread of self-control he had.

One second, he was a passive participant and the next he was active. His hand cupped the back of her neck causing her chin to tilt up, giving him total access. She sighed into his kiss as their tongues met in a sensual coupling.

He knew this wasn’t right. She’d been drinking and even though she’d initiated this kiss, he had to stop it. Using every bit of self-restraint he had he gripped her shoulders as he broke their kiss and took a step back. Her heavy lids opened and were dazed. He recognized the feeling because he felt the same way.

“Good night, Liv.”

When he lowered his arms, releasing his hold on her she stepped back, still appearing dazed, and he closed her door.

“Don’t forget to lock it.”

He heard the lock click in place and he turned to leave. He’d gone out tonight hoping that he might run into Olive St. Claire. Not only had he seen her, he walked her home, kissed her, had a date to take her to a wedding, and was possibly going to be in a fake relationship with her when she went back to Chicago.

Maybe Whisper Lake wasn’t so bad after all.

Tags: Melanie Shawn Whisper Lake Romance