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Trying to ignore the dread she felt, she focused on why she was here. She was doing this for her aunt and uncle who had always been kind to Liv and treated her like a second daughter. They’d offered to raise her after her father died, but instead, her gran and grandad stepped in. She didn’t take for granted family that was there when you needed them.

Smoothing her dress, she took a deep breath and walked inside. The atmosphere in the restaurant was loud and festive. The square bar that sat in the center of the dining area was already packed.

A redhead with bright blue eyes and freckles sprinkled over a pixie nose greeted her from the hostess stand. “Hi welcome to Lanterns.”

“Hi I’m here with the Sinclair/Mason party.”

“Oh great! They are out on the patio; you can follow me.”

Liv did as she asked even though she knew the way. She’d chosen this restaurant for the outdoor patio because it was lined with lanterns, had string lights and overlooked the lake. She’d specifically chosen this time because of the sunset.

As she stepped out onto the deck, she knew she’d made a great decision, it was magical. Breathtaking. This was an incredible place to hold a rehearsal dinner.

“There she is!”

Liv looked to her left and saw her uncle Gene heading straight to her with his arms outstretched. She forced herself to smile as she was enveloped in his bear hug.

“So glad you could make it, young lady. Sorry about all of this. Again.”

Her aunt and uncle had apologized, repeatedly, for their daughter’s decision to reap the benefits of Liv’s cancellations.

“It’s fine, really.”

The last thing she’d want is for them to feel bad for her and it take away from their enjoyment of the weekend. This was their only daughter’s wedding; she didn’t want them giving her a second thought. Uncle Gene did not look convinced when Aunt Faye joined them pulling her into another embrace. Unlike her mom’s side of the family, her dad’s side were big huggers.

When her aunt released her, she took Liv’s hands in hers and held them tightly. “How’s your grandad doing, sweetie pie?”

“He’s good.” It was Liv’s patent answer when anyone asked about him. What was she supposed to say, that caring for him was getting more and more difficult and that she wasn’t sure how much longer she could do it, but that she also couldn’t afford to put him in a facility, at least not where she’d feel comfortable with the standard of care he was getting?

No one wanted to hear that.

“You let us know if you need anything.” Aunt Faye patted her hand. “Anything at all. We’re only a phone call away.”

“Thanks, Aunt Faye.”

“Faye, Gene! Come here, I want you to meet someone.”

Bridgette’s fiancé called out from across the deck. Liv had only met Stew Mason twice but from what she’d observed he and Bridgette were perfect for one another. They saw themselves as a real estate power couple and had even shot a sizzle reel to try and get a TV show together. The only thing they loved more than each other was themselves, oh and any and all reflective surfaces.

“Duty calls.” Her aunt winked at her as she and her uncle made their way over to where they’d been summoned.

Liv made her way over to the table that had a huge photo montage of the couple. She couldn’t help but smile at the number of selfies they had. Liv hated taking pictures. She and Jordan had been together for over ten years and she probably only had a dozen pictures of the two of them together. Most of the time when they were at an event or on a trip, she’d just take pictures of him. She was much more comfortable behind the camera than in front of it.

After loitering at the photo table Liv glanced at her watch and saw that it was about ten minutes after six. Chrissy had said she’d meet her at six. She hoped she was just running late and was still going to show up.

Feeling a little out of place, Liv made her way to a high-top table at the edge of the patio and looked around. She was relieved that she didn’t really know anyone at the rehearsal dinner. Bridgette was having her sorority sisters as bridesmaids and since her dad and Gene didn’t have any other siblings, she didn’t have a ton of other family to contend with. Just a few second cousins that weren’t due in town until tomorrow.

“Hey girl, sorry I’m late.” Chrissy said as she took the seat across from her. “My youngest forgot her sleeping bag and I had to run it over to her friend’s house.”

“No worries. You look beautiful.”

This afternoon, Chrissy’s hair had been pulled up into a ponytail but tonight her blonde locks were flowing around her shoulders. She was wearing a floral dress that hugged her torso and flared out at the waist.

“Thanks. It’s a rare night out so I figured I’d make the most of it.”

“Woohoo!” Bridgette whooped loudly from the bar.

The two women glanced in her direction. She was wearing a white dress that showcased her long legs, a tiara crowning her light brown hair, and a sash that had Bride-to-Be written on it in glitter. There were several men gathered around her and she was eating up the attention.

Tags: Melanie Shawn Whisper Lake Romance