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Austin stepped out of the way as Axel measured the cabinets and countertops in the B&B while Kade wrote up the estimate. “Thanks guys. This really could’ve waited until after the festival. I want to get the work done, but it’s not an emergency.”

“No problem. We had the time.” Kade said.

“Plus, it was this or get dragged into working at that kid’s camp.” Axel smiled as the measuring tape retracted with a snap.

Austin had heard the guys talking about the program that their teens were running last night at the BBQ. He wondered if that’s where Sara and the kids were. By the time he got out of the shower, they’d already left the B&B.

“Okay, let me write up a few ideas and a cost breakdown. It’s going to be within a thousand or so of the price we discussed. Then, if you want to move forward, we’ll schedule the reno.”

“Actually, why don’t you run with this? I trust you. As long as it’s in the financial range we talked about, then I’m good.”

“Alright.” Kade nodded.

They moved to the back door and found Brynn walking up the back steps.

“Just the man I was looking for!” Her face lit up when she saw Axel.

He wrapped an arm around her waist and gave her a NSFW kiss.

Kade and Austin both diverted their eyes.

When they finally broke away, Brynn patted Axel’s shoulder, “I’m glad you’re in a good mood because I need you to come help with the kids.”

Axel’s head dropped and Kade chuckled.

“You, too, chuckles.” Brynn pointed at Kade. “Ali said that she can hold things down at the rental shop and I can have you until five.” Brynn smiled gleefully.

“My wife volunteered me without running it by me?” Kade asked flatly.


“Sounds about right.” Kade grinned, obviously not upset.

She looked his way and Austin’s heart jumped at the thought that she was going to ask him to come too, since he was ninety percent sure that’s where Sara was.

“You’re safe. Mrs. D already claimed you.”


“So Sara and the kids are staying here, right?” Brynn asked as the guys were putting their tools in their trucks.

“Yep.” He wasn’t sure where this train was headed, but he hoped it was a short trip. He’d always liked Brynn, but she was a psychologist and the last thing he needed was to get stuck on the interrogation tracks with Brynn barreling full-steam ahead on a subject about which he was beyond clueless.

“And you two just met yesterday?”

“Yep,” he repeated, confirming yet another topic he was sure had been covered the night before.

“Wow. That’s crazy.” Brynn shook her head. “You guys seem like…well, not like you just met yesterday. You’re so…I don’t know…in sync.”

“I better be Timberlake.”

“Yep, you’re totally Justin.” She chuckled. “Did Sara come back for lunch, I wanted to ask her something and I’m scared I’ll forget when I get back there.”

“I haven’t seen her.”

Austin hadn’t seen her since she’d looked at him like he was what she wanted for breakfast. He’d had to make a quick exit so his running shorts didn’t advertise just how much her hungry stare had affected him. One look. That was all it had taken for his body to forget they were in a room full of people.

Tags: Melanie Shawn Whisper Lake Romance