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“Okay,” Trevor reluctantly agreed. It was obvious he wasn’t exactly thrilled about the situation. “But can I come back here?”

“Yeah, bud.” She turned to Charlotte, who’d been unusually quiet this whole conversation. “What about you, baby girl? Do you want to go see your uncle and your cousins?”

She nodded, a somber expression on her cherub face framed with ringlets. “But then I want to come back here.”

Well, it looked like it was unanimous. Whisper Lake was a hit with her kids. Sara had to admit that when Grandma Betty had talked about its magic, she’d doubted any town could really be that special, but being here even just one day had turned her into a believer.

Between meeting a man at the gas station who filled a woman’s tires because he just couldn’t drive away knowing they were low. To getting a room in the very bed and breakfast her grandma had stayed in all those years ago. To it turning out to be owned by said man from the gas station. To meeting a group of women she hoped she’d be friends with for life…

It just felt like anything was possible here.

“How are my favorite prince and princess doing this morning?” Karen asked as she made her way down the long table.

“Good,” Charlotte answered with a mouth full of pancake.

Sara made a mental note to remind Charlotte not to talk with her mouth full.

Trev sat up taller. “Good. How are you, Miss Karen?”

“Well, I’m doing just fine. Thank you for asking. Did y’all get enough to eat?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Trev nodded.

“Yes, thank you,” Sara answered, glad at least one of her offspring were having a good-manners morning.

“Well, I’m gonna head back to the kitchen, but you let me know if you need anything.”

“We will, thank you.” Sara watched Karen bustle out of the dining room, making sure everyone was taken care of. She seemed so happy, so in her element. Sara wondered if Austin was going to keep them on, now that he was back. She’d heard him talking to Kade about his grandparents’ will, and that they’d named the Carpenters the B&B’s caretakers in the event that Austin was unable to run it. It was none of her business, but Sara hoped if they wanted to stay, he’d let them. It just felt like they belonged here.

A moment before a deep voice rumbled behind Sara, the tiny hairs on the back of her neck stood up and she got a fluttering feeling in her belly. She inhaled sharply when she heard, “Where’s your plate?”

“Austin! Austin!” the kids cheered excitedly.

“Hey, guys.” From the corner of her eye, she saw Austin’s hands ruffle both the kids’ hair. Trev looked up at him with genuine hero worship and Charlotte giggled.

Although Sara shared her munchkins’ enthusiasm, she tried to temper it and slow her heartbeat, which had just taken off like a runaway horse. Lifting her eyes, she took a fortifying breath in hopes of preparing herself for whatever her physical response might be to seeing the man that inspired reactions in her that she’d never known existed in real life.

Her efforts proved futile. The second Austin’s vivid green stare locked with hers, Sara felt like she was in very real danger of spontaneously combusting from its heat.

“You weren’t hungry?” he asked.

“Oh…um…no…I’m good.” Sara sincerely hoped her cheeks weren’t as red as they felt.

“Mommy eats what we don’t finish,” Charlotte exclaimed, clearly happy to have something to contribute to the conversation.

“I don’t like to waste food,” Sara defended her actions lamely. The second she had, she wished she’d remained quiet. She seriously doubted he cared about what she did or didn’t eat, and she certainly didn’t think her reasons were on the top of his need-to-know list.

People had always characterized Sara as quiet, private, and hard to get to know. Maybe she was. Or maybe her parents had just taught her a cold hard truth at a very early and impressionable age—most people only cared or wanted to talk about themselves. Armed with that knowledge, Sara had always kept things to herself. Except around Austin, where she morphed into Charlotte’s favorite vintage doll, Chatty Cathy.

Austin narrowed his eyes for a split second. At the fierce earnestness behind his stare, Sara found herself holding her breath as she waited to hear his response. Maybe he actually did care…

Before she could find out, Trev asked, “Why are you all sweaty?”

Austin blinked, breaking the intensity of the moment. When he opened his eyes again, they were directed at Trevor. “I was out for a run.”

After being freed from the spell that his stare tended to pull her under in a split second, she noticed that Austin was indeed sweaty. The white T-shirt he wore was clinging to him like a second skin. It clearly advertised his broad, sculpted chest. His strong, muscled arms. And, the real show stopper, his washboard abs.

Her runaway heartbeat galloped even faster as Austin lifted his arms and ran his hands through his hair. The gesture oozed sex appeal and sent Sara into hormonal overdrive, causing her entire body to overheat with desire. She’d only been half-afraid of going up in flames from his stare, but now, taking in the physical perfection that was Austin Stone, she sincerely hoped there was a fire extinguisher close by for the safety of the other guests.

Tags: Melanie Shawn Whisper Lake Romance