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The knock sounded again and Brynn mentally added impatient to the list as she grabbed the phone and started down the hall.

“He’s also confident, fiercely protective, sexual, passionate, and—”

“Mom.” The last thing Brynn wanted to hear was her mother’s take on the guy’s libido. After all, he was going to be living in her back yard for the next few months. “I gotta go, he’s here. Love you, bye.”

Her mom kept talking but she hung up. She glanced down to make sure that all of her lady parts were covered up and she threaded the belt, tightening it in place.

“Stay,” she instructed the pug firmly.

Lucy hated men. She always had. It took months, if not years, for her to tolerate anyone of the opposite sex who wasn’t Ryder. It even took months and lots of treats for Ryder’s best friends KJ and Ricky to win her over. She’d never even really warmed to Max and he’d tried to bribe her with steak on more than one occasion.

When Lucy’s butt hit the wood flooring, Brynn turned and opened the door.

“Sorry, I was in the—” her words stuck in her throat.

She wasn’t sure what she’d expected to see but she knew that what she was looking at was not it.

This man could’ve walked right off the pages of one of her favorite romance novels. He was tall, dark, and handsome personified. But it was more than his outward appearance that had her stupefied. Brynn’s hormones weren’t in overdrive because of his deep brown stare, broad shoulders, chiseled arms, or his perfect lips. No. Her hormones were doing backflips because of his overwhelmingly male presence.

Brynn was no stranger to being around dominant alpha energy. Especially lately. Her best friend Ali had just married an MMA fighter and Jess had just gotten engaged to a U.S. Marshal. Both men oozed masculine energy.

But neither came close to the potency that the man standing on her porch was putting off. She wasn’t sure if it was pheromones or what, but her entire body was buzzing with electric energy.

She was so lost in its potency that she didn’t notice that Lucy had gotten a hold of the edge of her belt that was dangling beside her. One tug. That was all it took for her robe to part and her to be completely exposed. When she grabbed at the terrycloth to cover herself, Lucy thought it was a game and bit the hem of the robe and tugged as Brynn turned her back to Axel for modesty.

And that was how Brynn Daniels ended up flashing and mooning the only man that her body had taken any interest in in years.

Tags: Melanie Shawn Whisper Lake Romance