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Jess scooted forward in her chair. “Do you have anyone in mind?”

Axel popped to the forefront of Brynn’s mind. Not that he had a long way to go since he’d been hovering on the outskirts of her every conscious thought since she’d laid eyes on him.

Jess pointed a finger at her, and in an accusatory tone she whispered, “You do!”

“No…I just…I met someone last night. I mean…I didn’t meet him. It’s not like that.” Brynn didn’t want to give them false hope. What little fantasy she’d allowed herself to have last night was shattered when she saw Ryder talking with Axel this morning.

It was one thing to date someone, but dating someone that is temporary and living five hundred feet from your back door was definitely not a smart move.

The waitress approached their table and dropped off their iced teas and took their orders, giving Brynn a much-needed reprieve to gather her thoughts before she told the girls.

“Where did you meet him?” Ali asked as soon as the young woman left.

“My house.” Brynn proceeded to tell the women about her mother’s new tenant and her mortifying first impression.

“He saw you naked?” Ali’s face had the appropriate amount of horror registered across it.

“Yep. The whole kit and caboodle.” Brynn waved her hand from her chest to her lap.

“Nice.” Jess nodded, looking more than a little impressed.

“What did you do?” Ali’s eyes were still as wide as saucers.

“I invited him in, went to my room, changed, came out and showed him the apartment.”

“Like a boss.” Jess lifted her glass.

“But that’s not all…” Brynn continued after clinking glasses with her friends. She took a breath. “When I was showing him the apartment, I accidentally felt him up.”

Jess’s brow furrowed and Ali’s head tilted like the RCA dog.

“You felt his boobs?” Jess asked in way of clarification.

“No. I felt his…” Brynn cleared her throat and circled her hand above her lap, “junk.”

“Wait…what?” Ali was in shock. “How?”

“I didn’t mean to. I dropped the key to the apartment and when I reached out to grab it…I grabbed him instead.”

“Nice.” Jess said again as she smiled from ear to ear.

“What happened after that?” Ali prodded.

“Nothing. Well, we had dinner.”

“You had dinner?!” Ali repeated.

“When I was showing him the apartment, my pizza showed up. Since Ryder was gone I asked if he was hungry.”

Brynn didn’t miss the side eye that Jess and Ali gave one another.

“Well, my sweetness, I’d say that you’re more than just ready to start dating again, you are dating,” Jess stated plainly.

Brynn shook her head. The girls were missing the point. She thought they’d be excited to try and set her up, and maybe that would get her mind off of the brown-eyed panty melter that was living in her backyard. She tried to get them back on track. “No, it wasn’t a date. We just had pizza.”

Jess’s brows lifted. “Any alcohol?”

“Wine,” Brynn confirmed with a sigh.

Tags: Melanie Shawn Whisper Lake Romance