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“You bet she is. Well, more so after I showed her your picture.”

Ethan knew what picture she’d shown and if he cared about impressing Dr. Chicago he might’ve been embarrassed.

Nana chuckled. “She was a lot more interested after she found out that you did charity work.”

The “charity work” Nana was referring to was a calendar shoot he’d done the year before. Every Fourth of July weekend, every police officer, corrections officer, fire fighter, and paramedic in the county held a charity competition called the Battle of the Badges in Whisper Lake. The money they raised was donated to a different charity every year.

Last year it was decided the different organizations would have competing calendars and the winner would be determined by sales. The fire department won, but just barely.

A couple of years ago it was a boxing match and the boys in blue had easily walked away with the “title.”

This year it was a talent show. Ethan had no plans on participating.

Changing the subject, Ethan said, “I got the email about your flight change. Is everything okay?”

“That’s why I’m calling you. I won’t be in until tomorrow night instead of the afternoon. I emailed you the new reservation.”

“I know, I asked you about it.” He was sure this flight change had everything to do with the young doctor that was perfect for him.

“Make sure to wear your uniform when you pick me up. Women love a man in uniform.”

“I’m not-”

“My room service is here. Gotta go. Love you!”

Ethan stood on the street wondering how his life had come to this. It wasn’t just his grandma that was trying to fix him up, her peers were as well. He was certain that he was the current target of Mrs. Chen, Mrs. Dobrinski, and Mrs. Weathersby’s matchmaking schemes. Every few months they “secretly” played matchmaker to some unsuspecting schmuck. But since they had the subtlety of a bull in a china shop, people usually caught on. And after several not-so-coincidental run-ins with Kennedy Dawes and Laura Lopez, it was clear to Ethan that he was their latest victim.

Both women were attractive, successful, and on paper they possessed everything he could ever want. There was just one problem. The same problem that plagued Young Patty Duke and Emily Ratajkowski. They weren’t Jess.

He’d been living his life on the sidelines, waiting to get off the bench. But since it didn’t look like that was going to happen, Ethan was starting to think that he might just need to step up and take the shot.

Now, all he needed was a plan to get her in the game.

Tags: Melanie Shawn Whisper Lake Romance