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“We can’t dothis,” Ali breathes as she backs up against the wall.

“Yes, we can.” Kade advances toward her with a predatory gleam in his eye that she feels spread through her.

She sucks in a sharp breath as Kade’s authoritative response causes the pulse that is deep in her core to throb heavily.

She holds her ground, not daring to tear her gaze away from his as he closes the distance between them. He stops a breath away, careful not to make contact with her. She’s overwhelmed by him. His scent, his stare, his sheer mass enveloping her. Her entire body is alive with sensation even though he’s technically not even touching her.

His knowing smirk makes her want to punch him and fuck him as he places a hand on each side of her head, trapping her in place. Slowly, he leans in. She tilts her neck so as not to break eye contact with him as he inches his mouth closer until it finally hovers above hers.

“I’ve wanted to do this for a very long time.” His breath is hot against her mouth as he asks, “Do you want me?”

It is a simple question and one that she has an immediate response to. “Yes.”

Without another word, his mouth captures hers in a kiss that sends the pit of her stomach into a whirlwind of arousal and need. His lips are hard and searching and when she feels the tip of his tongue glide against the seam of her mouth, she automatically parts it for him.

The kiss is demanding. Urgent. Exploratory and aggressive. She meets him lick for lick as their tongues dance in perfect unison against one another. Stars explode behind her lids as an intense craving builds inside of her. Her knees buckle beneath its power and she grips his broad shoulders, clinging to him with a desperation that is both exciting and terrifying. The carnal ache between her legs has increased to the point that she fears what will happen if he doesn’t fill the empty need.

Her fingers dig into his rippling muscles as his hands busily travel down her body and slide beneath the hem of her dress.

As his fingers run along her outer thigh, she pulls him closer to her. When his large palm cups her backside and kneads the flesh there, her panties grow damp with desire. She rolls her hips into his and feels the steel strength of his thick arousal press against the softness of her belly.

His touch migrates south and she widens her stance, giving him access to her pulsing sex. The tips of his fingers graze her panties and the teasing friction causes tingles to quake at the epicenter of her core.

“You’re so wet.” He whispers against her mouth. “I love that you’re so wet for me.”

Ali’s body rocks into his touch, seeking release as he begins singing “Brown Eyed Girl” to her. She grips him tighter but no longer feels his chiseled form beneath her touch. Like Marty McFly in Back to the Future, the more he sings the more he fades away.

She shuts her eyes to block out the sound of his melodic voice and focus on the feeling but the harder she squeezes her lids the faster the sensation is slipping away. Ali isn’t normally a beggar but when it comes to coming she allows herself to make this exception.

“Please,” she half-pleads, half-demands.

The sound of her own voice caused her eyes to flutter open. The first sense that registers in her brain is the bright light that streams in through her partially-opened blinds.

“No,” she slammed her eyes shut and groaned as all of her senses returned at once, crashing into her consciousness.

She’d been dreaming. Kade hadn’t really backed her up against a wall, kissed her senseless, and ran his fingers along her panties taking her to the brink of oblivion.

Ali did her best to will herself back to sleep. It had been a long time since anyone had brought her any real pleasure and she needed her fantasies to sustain her. Her nose itched as the sun warmed her face and she turned so that her back was to it.


The sun?!

Ali always got up before sunrise.

“Shit,” she cried as she sprung up to a sitting position and reached for her phone on the nightstand.

It wasn’t there.

As she searched for the device she did a double take when she glanced at her clock and saw the time. It was ten-thirty a.m. She felt like she’d been slapped in the face.

She’d stayed up all night fixing Ricky’s science project and now she’d overslept so it wouldn’t matter at all. She’d missed her alarm and hadn’t woken him up. Her mind raced to remember his schedule. A small sense of relief surfaced when she recalled he didn’t have Truman until after lunch. If she got him up now she could get him there in time to turn in his project.

She scrambled out of bed, briefly getting caught in the sheets that were twisted around her calves causing her to tumble over the side. With catlike reflexes the soles of her feet hit the hardwood flooring and she stood, not missing a beat before racing across the room. She swung open her door, making her way down the hallway to pound on Ricky and KJ’s doors.

“What the…?” She asked the empty hallway when she saw that both boy’s doors were open and neither of them were asleep in their beds.

Tags: Melanie Shawn Whisper Lake Romance