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‘Why’d you do that, you fecking idiot?’ asked Finn. ‘We were just about to convince her to come to the den with us.’

Shay didn’t reply. Typical Shay. Always messing things up, then barely saying a word in apology.

Shay had been acting weird lately. Even weirder than usual, which was already pretty fucking weird. Was it because he hadn’t made any friends here? Was it because he was doing so badly at school he was about to get chucked out? If he didn’t drop out of it first.

‘Look, tell us what this is about or we’re not followin’ you anymore,’ said Conor. He wasn’t about to traipse halfway around town after his idiot brother without even hearing the reason why.

Shay stopped, turning to him with an angry expression. His brows were knitted into that signature scowl.

‘I know how both of you feel about Tammy,’ he said gruffly. ‘I know both of you want to fuck her one day. And even if you haven’t talked about it yet, I know you probably want to share her, too.’

‘I—’ Conor blushed.

‘We—’ Finn blushed too.

‘But it’s not whatshewants,’ cut in Shay. ‘She likes you, but she’s not that into you. Either of you. OK? I said it.’

He paused, crossing his arms, a strangely triumphant look in his eye.

Conor took a few deep breaths, looking around the beautiful Connecticut countryside. It was a sunny day, and this morning, it had felt so full of promise. He’d even wondered if today might be the day he’d get to go all the way with Tammy. If she felt ready. But… was it true that she wasn’t really into him?

‘Why do you think it’s always so hard to convince the girl to hang out with you?’ Shay said. ‘She doesn’t want you guys.’

‘How do you know?’ asked Finn, stepping forward.

‘Because she’s been telling people.’

Conor scowled. First he’d heard of this. ‘Telling them what?’

‘She says that Finn’s not buff enough. And Conor’s not clever enough. So it’s never gonna happen.’

Immediately, Shay’s words stung Conor. He’d always had a hang-up about the fact that he wasn’t as intellectual as his brainiac brother. Conor always got straight Cs in everything. Finn was an A student. And where English literature was concerned, he was practically a genius.

Conor didn’t have to look at Finn to know that he felt inadequate too, though. Conor often knew how his brother felt – that was the kind of connection they had as identical twins. Besides, Finn had always been touchy about his lack of skill on the sports field. He just wasn’t as coordinated as Conor, and his muscles never seemed to get as beefy, no matter how hard he tried.

What Shay said had hit a nerve for both of them.

‘I’m sorry to be the one to have to tell you that,’ said Shay. ‘You’re just not what she’s looking for. Either of you.’

Conor’s heart sank. Had he misinterpreted Tammy’s feelings? She had seemed so into it last time they kissed… But, if he wasn’t clever enough, then what could he do? And if Finn wasn’t buff enough…

Screw it.

If she was going to pit him against his brother like this, then it was never gonna happen. Brothers came first. Always.


Eleven years of medical training, and Tammy was right where she started.

Back in her family home.

The home Tammy’s mother died in when Tammy was five years old. A mysterious illness that her busy, distracted father misdiagnosed as cellulitis. In fact, it was far more serious. A flesh-eating bacteria had entered her body via a tiny cut on the sole of her foot. She went into the ocean with it, and within twenty-four hours, she was gone.

Tammy’s dad was always so busy with work that he rarely had time for his family. This time it was no different. He put Tammy’s mom to bed with a glass of water and some Tylenol, and told her he’d check on her in a few hours.

Tammy had been the one to find her.

That’s part of the reason Tammy went on to train to be a doctor herself, and it’s part of the reason she hated this house.

Tags: Lucky Moon Erotic