Page 27 of Bound By Fear

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Chapter Five

Sunny swallowed hard as she stared at the fox mask. She didn’t even have the hope to pretend it wasn’t exactly what it looked like.

The way Garrison had said “Fox” brought it all back, made her realize why everything with the men had seemed so familiar. She knew their voices, knew what they sounded like when they rumbled out demands, how their lips felt—


“That was you?” The question came from her, soft and quiet.

Connor turned his gaze from the mask to her, and it was then she realized, yeah, Connor was Gold. It was the long hair and the green eyes.

Which made Trent, Black—his smirk and humor should have clued her in—and Garrison, Silver.

They were the three—her wolves—who had brought her so much pleasure and confusion the night before.

And now they were in her house, where no man had ever stepped foot.

Then again, no men have ever done what I let them to do to me either. Seems like they’re unique.

Garrison nodded and crossed his arms. Where he’d seemed intense but harmless before, the memory of what had occurred, of the way he’d used that commanding voice, of how he’d licked her until she’d almost cried with pleasure, came back to her, making her take another step away.

It was overwhelming. It wastoomuch.

“Easy, darlin’,” Connor said, just as he had the night before, further mixing up then and now. She struggled to keep them separate.

“This was a mistake.”

“You ran out on us last night,” Trent said. “We were worried about you.”

“So you show up at my job?” If she’d had a moment to think, she’d have realized that made no sense. There was no chance this could have been planned. She’d passed out, and her employee had called them.

Still, she didn’t know what else to say.

“We didn’t track you down,” Garrison said. “You made it clear you wanted it to be the one night, and we respected that. We had no ideayouwere our Fox.”

“I’m not yours,” Sunny snapped, then cringed at her own words, at the sharpness of her voice.

Trent lifted his hands as if to prove he weren’t coming toward her. “I’m glad to know you’re okay. You shouldn’t have left, not until we were sure you were okay.”

“I was fine, obviously.” Sunny wrapped her arms around herself, feeling trapped and surrounded and helpless and entirelynotfine.

“So why’d you leave?”

“Because it was a stupid one-night stand. You’ve had those before, I’m sure.”

“We have,” Connor agreed. “But I think you know that it was more. And you don’t strike me as the one-night-stand type.”

“I needed to be.”

Garrison leaned his hip against the kitchen. “You were there to prove you didn’t want that, but that’s not what you learned, was it?”

Sunny shook her head, then cursed at herself for falling into his trap. These damned men had that asking thing down, the tone of their voices making her want to answer before she realized she shouldn’t. It was worse now, when she recalled how they’d been at the club, howshe’dbeen.

“You realized you liked it, and that scared the hell out of you, so you bolted.”

“Yes,” Sunny admitted, voice soft.

No one spoke for a moment, the silence thick and choking.

Tags: Jayce Carter Erotic