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God, he’s pretty. Can I take a bite? A lick? Maybe a whiff? But that I don’t need to do, because the subtle aroma of his aftershave immediately tickles my nostrils.Good Lord, what is this? Eau de ‘take off your clothes’? I blink several times to pull myself from the trance I fell into.

“Hey, Ana.”

His voice is low and rumbly, with just the barest hint of a scratch. It travels all over my body, making my already hard nipples painfully stiff and my damp panties grow utterly ruined. Then he turns his velvety gaze to me. And the entire world stops.

There are moments in life you never forget. Never completely recover from. And this ellipsis in time? The first time Malik Ford’s burning gaze collides with mine. These few seconds are forever ingrained in my soul. I feel my restlessness recede. A sense of calm and serenity invades me. The pounding in my ears turns into a low, comforting hum of excitement. My body is still ablaze, but my heart, soul, and mind are at complete ease. I feel… It feels like home. Standing here, in this empty parking lot, lost in his brown eyes.

Ana breaks the moment with a stretched out, “oookayyy.”

We both turn to her and watch her mischievous look dart between Malik and I. “Could you please show me the swag? And I’ll leave you guys alone to introduce yourselves.”

She freaking winks, and I feel my face grow hot.Come on, kid. I thought we was partners. Don’t throw auntie under the bus like this.Malik lets out a deep, rumbly chuckle, and the sound goes directly to my already tingly clit.Oh Lord.

He opens his car trunk and swipes a large hand in a ‘Voila’ gesture. Ana starts digging in and Malik turns back to me, extending a giant hand.

“I’m Malik. Nice to meet you.”

I slip my fingers into his, concentrating on smiling like a normal person and not a lovesick groupie.

“Lisa, you as well.”

He doesn’t let go of my hand, eyes still riveted to mine. Roaming over my face. As if he, too, is studying and memorizing my features. Impossible, right? Why the hell would this man care what I look like up close? But the warm pressure of his long, strong fingers around mine tells a different story. Did he… run the pad of his thumb over the back of my hand? Impossible. I must be tripping.

He finally lets go of my hand and stuffs his in his pockets. Looking all tall, big, and elegant.

“So you’re Ana’s aunt?”

I blink up at him in surprise.God, the man is blindingly handsome.

“Yeah, she’s my sister’s. And mine,” I add.

He nods.

“You don’t have kids of your own?”

I shake my head.

“You neither, right?” I ask, out of pure courtesy. Because heavens know, if there’s a bit of personal information to gather about Malik Ford, I have it.

“No, that hasn’t happened… yet.”

The way he says it sounds like a threat and a promise. His voice all serious and husky. And I’m not exactly sure what’s going on here.

Malik clears his throat and looks away for a few seconds, before the warm chocolate of his almond-shaped eyes captures my attention again.

“I noticed you in the crowd.”

“Oh, yeah?” I giggle. “We’re very noticeable. Anywhere you go with Ana, people fall in love with her.”

He shakes his head slowly, a sexy as fuck smile hooking one side of his fascinating mouth.

“I meant you, Lisa.”

“What?” I ask, convinced I’m misinterpreting his meaning.

“You’re beautiful. Captivating. I’m captivated.”

I dumbly repeat, “what?”

Tags: Imani Jay Erotic