Page 13 of Bred By The Bad Boy

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When we step into my room, Lisa immediately goes to the glass wall, offering a breathtaking view of the ocean. It’s dark enough that all you can see is the crash of waves into thick, white foam.

“This is beautiful, Malik,” she breathes out reverently. “I can’t imagine how amazing it must feel to wake and fall asleep to this view.”

I reflexively shake my head, a small, secretive smile tugging at my lips.This woman. We’ve been walking around my house for a good thirty minutes. I showed her my collection of luxury cars and all kinds of expensive, sophisticated gadgets, and all she’s truly interested in is what music instruments I play and the ocean view from my bedroom.

If I had even the slightest doubt about her intentions or that she’s the one made for me, they evaporate into thin air. Right then and there.



I feel movement beside me and put great effort into peeling open one eye. I’m exhausted and my entire body is sore from our night-long marathon of lovemaking.

When my vision regains focus, I find Malik sitting on the edge of the bed next to me, in the hollow of my midsection, his large, warm hand caressing my hip.

His smile is soft when he croons, “good morning, love.”

I blink several times.Morning?The sky is still mostly dark outside, with just that hue of blue that signals daylight is creeping in.

“Did you sleep well?”

I feel my eyes widen.Who slept?What is he talking about? And how is he this fresh and composed? All suited up in a stylish three-piece affair. Smelling like my best daydreams of him.

“Malik, you’re freaking me out. Are you some sort of cyborg?”

He chuckles.


“It’s the ass-crack of dawn and I know for a fact you, Mister, did not sleep. Every time I started dozing off, you woke me with your hand, your mouth, or your cock between my legs.”

He teases, “oooh, feisty. I like.”

I mock-slap his arm, giggling.

“Seriously, what’s with the sexy suit?”

He cocks a thick, arched brow.

“You think this is sexy?”

“Very,” I let my voice trail.

Malik nods.


I laugh again.

“Malik Ford, what’s going on?”

He stares deep into my eyes, making the moment turn intense, heavy with meaning.

“Last night was amazing.”

I nod, my lips breaking into an irrepressible smile.

Malik adds, “I want more.” He brushes my hair away from my face. “I want a lifetime.”

Tags: Imani Jay Erotic