Page 86 of Hidden Chaos

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“This is going to hurt me more than it’s going to hurt you,” I said, doing my best not to laugh.

The way she was poking her ass out and glancing back, she was ready for the kind of sting she knew my heavy hand could bring.


The first lick caused her to tense up and shut her eyes tight, but she damn sure wasn’t trying to get away. When she opened those begging eyes and put them back on mine in the mirror, I read insatiable hunger in them. She put a deeper arch in her back, making her ass rise up a little higher.

Twat! Twat!

Two harder licks, one to each cheek, caused her to release a deep moan and her body trembled in delight. I didn’t hold back sending four consecutive licks hard enough to leave a tingle in the palm of my hand and bounce off her lush ass.

“Do you still have a problem with my age?”


“No? That’s all you have to say?”

“No, I don’t have a problem with your age,” she added, pushing her words through harsh breaths.

“I. Don’t. Believe. You.” I had punctuated each word with a lick that caused her to cry out, but it wasn’t in pain.

The sting was teasing her clit and probably had her nerve endings on fire. I gripped her shoulder and spun her around to face me, letting my eyes roam up and down her sexy body, unsure how far I wanted to take things since we were at someone else’s house.

Fuck it. There was no way around the strong temptation. I lifted her and sat her on top of the counter swiftly. She gasped and released a little groan when I brought the lower halves of our bodies together.

Thanks to all that was holy, she was wearing a dress because I was charged up enough to rip her out of a pair of pants. I had her dress over the luscious curves of her thighs and ass in seconds.

“Give me these,” I demanded harshly, enjoying the sound of her panties ripping as I yanked them from her body and captured the strangled cry she released at my unchecked action with my lips.

“Are you thinking about my age right now, Patrena?” I asked, whispering the words hotly against her soft lips.

“No,” she moaned against my mouth.

With a tight grip on her hips, I spread her legs wide. The quick jerk forced her breaths to blow out quicker and her eyes grew heavier from my rough handling. The pulse point in her neck thumped with an erratic beat I love seeing.

How could this woman possibly think that age was a factor when it came to us? We were perfect for each other, and I would be ready to remind her anytime she allowed doubt to creep into her head. And it wouldn’t just be with sex, but with care, concern, and by putting my life on the line for her whenever and wherever.

She sucked in a deep moan, biting deep into her lip when my fingers slid delicately against her pussy.

“You’re soaking wet,” I growled, noticing how lust-heavy my voice sounded.

“Can I have a taste?” I asked, already knowing she enjoyed watching me feast on her hot juices.

“Yesss.” She breathed deeply, her eyes so heavy that she looked like she was intoxicated.

I eased one finger inside her, sliding it in and slipping it out with enough deliberate smoothness that she began dripping onto the countertop.

She sat and watched with hungry eyes as I licked my wet finger clean while keeping pressure on her clit with the thumb on my other hand. She wanted to squirm so badly, I saw the intent gleaming in her desperate eyes. She was always such a good little participant who enjoyed our play no matter what it involved.

“Are you thinking about my age now?”

No,” she choked out. Her gaze was locked on mine and her body frozen, knowing if she moved, she was not going to get rewarded.

An arrogant smirk covered my face, one part pride and the other part attempting to hide that the mere sight of her was a fucking turn on so intense that my dick was leaking and in pain. It was pressed hard against my pants and seconds away from releasing itself without my help. I removed my thumb from her clit, but I quickly replaced it with two fingers before squeezing her tender nub and making her leak onto the rest of my roaming fingers.

“Tywin,” she moaned before her eyes fluttered closed. She snapped them open and placed them back on mine, knowing I wouldn’t let her keep them closed for long.

Damn, I loved this woman!

Tags: Keta Kendric Romance