Page 91 of Quiet Chaos

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We were supposed to take a quick shower so that we could discuss business and the issue of the Vallins and the syndicate being targeted by the Black Saints, and the Black Saints being targeted by the Cardenas Cartel, or however the circle of doom went.

Our shower ended up turning into an episode of Mecca lighting a candle and us in the tub together, rubbing each other’s sore spots and every other spot in between.

Now, here we were, thirty more minutes of making everyone wait, walking into the group like nothing had happened.

“Sorry to make you wait, guys. Husband and wife business is hard work.”

Mecca punched me in the shoulder as the group laughed at us. Before we took our seats, Mecca went over and gave Desiree a hug, which turned into a huddle of them whispering and giggling.

Khane shot me a glance while the women were in their huddle and gave me a knowing nod. I winked at him, unable to hide my smile. Marshawn gave me a knowing look that took my smile and made my fist clench tight. Thankfully, Mecca returned and took the seat beside me before my wicked ideas of killing him took over.

“We’ll go around the room so that everyone can tell us everything they know so far. We have to piece this shit together before we go off half-cocked and start trouble that wasn’t meant to be started. Tywin and his crew are also working this from a digital angle.”

“You!” I pointed at Marshawn. “You start,” I ordered, my eyes a little annoyed while looking at him. “What do you know?”

“I sensed that the whole thing with the Haitians was a setup, which is why I called you,” Marshawn stated, eyeing me.

The motherfucker had to open his comments with that. While Mecca was brushing fire over me with her gaze, she had a wicked finger pointed at Marshawn.

“You called my husband like I can’t handle my own business. Like I’m a weakling that would lead you to a quick death without any type of back-up plan? How fucking long have you known me?”

How he managed to maintain eye contact with the deadly glare Mecca cast in his direction was beyond me. He flashed me a quick look before he found the bravery to speak again.

“I’m sorry, Mecca. I didn’t want anything to happen to you. You are too important to take big risks like that.”

“He’s right,” I stated, glaring at her now. “I have at least two men on me at all times. Even now, Cass and Hunter have eyes on this room. You became a bigger target when you took control of the Black Saints. You’re also a member of the syndicate now, and your last name is Vallin. You need to understand that you’re an even bigger target than me.”

She nodded, thankfully not objecting to what I pointed out.

“There’s not much else I know other than sensing that we were walking into a setup.” Marshawn gave Mecca all of his attention, turning his body in her direction.

“I’m sorry I underestimated you. I’ve known you for nearly a decade. I should have known better than to think you would risk our lives like that.”

Why was this shit sounding like more than an apology? “Next,” I called in the middle of one of his sentences.

By the time everyone had taken their turn, our information pooling didn’t turn up any more than we already knew. We agreed that we were possibly being set up and strategized plans to do internal and outside investigations. We still didn’t know if we were dealing with a group, two groups, or an individual, utilizing groups.

Outside of the few men we had tortured for information, there weren’t many clues that would lead us to a place, or even a person to chase down. All we were certain of was that it was someone or a group with power, as only power could fight power.

Who the hell was fucking with us? Were they making an attempt to turn us against each other?

Tags: Keta Kendric Romance