Page 46 of Quiet Chaos

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“I know what we said, and I don’t think we believed what was coming from our mouths while we were saying it.”

My head jetted up and almost sent my lips colliding into his. His eyes were there, waiting for mine, waiting to trap me. He had found success as I was locked in his arms and trapped in his gaze.

When he lowered his mouth to mine, I was a goner. The potency of his kiss destroyed the world around me and lured me into the one he owned. There were no syndicates or crime families here, only us. He eased back enough for our eyes to meet.

“When we’re together, it’s you and me. Fuck the rest of the world. We can do whatever we want to.”

I nodded, too overwhelmed to speak but aware that his words were expressed to address the reservations I’d had about being with him.

There was no fighting the force of the chemistry swirling around and daring us to pull away from each other. When our lips met again, I returned his kiss that was too tender for the two of us, but perfect enough to melt the ice wall I had erected around myself. The sensual slide of his soft lips over mine had me consumed with enough energy to power a whole city block and my heart served as the circuit breakers that were about to be blown.

His velvety tongue slid over the expanse of my lips before I parted my mouth and accepted his slippery touch eagerly, leisurely tasting him. My leg was gliding up his muscled one, the sensual movement enticing me to explore further.

The cotton pajama bottoms he wore did nothing to hide the strength in his toned legs, or the muscles flexing against the heat of my inner thigh. The shirt didn’t hide the rippling of his abs or the hot power wafting off his body that was burning through mine. I explored, my fingers seeking, my aching sex hunting as my mind recorded the scene.

By the time he released me from the searing kiss, I was halfway atop him with one of my legs slung across his and grinding my pussy against his hard thigh.

“I think I’m ready,” I heaved out on a winded breath.

A big smile lit up his face. “Four of my favorite words.”

He gave me another lingering peck, squeezing one of my ass cheeks in his big palm and demonstrating that his lengthy body gave him the ability to stroke me wherever he wanted from any angle.

He moved his hand to the small of my back, gave a nudge, and there I went, sliding down with ease. He was climbing over me before I had time to think about what we were doing.

His hot lips met my neck first before he traced kisses down my shoulder, slipping his tongue up my pulsing flesh, setting me aflame. His kisses dipped lower and breathed a path along my chest until his exploring lips and tongue were introduced to my stomach, my thighs, and back up, before pinching my hard nipples through my silky top.

Our eyes met when he came back up to face me, cupping one of my tits while his free hand slipped between my legs. I jumped when his fingers invaded my heat and turned up the volume on the thumping beat in my pussy.

A deep gasping breath was dragged in and rushed out when his finger slid across my clit. He gave a quick lip-smacking peck that I gladly accepted, while I reeled from his play below.

“I’m ready to see how well your pussy gets along with my mouth. How about you? You think you’re ready?”

“Fuck. Yes,” slipped from my mouth so fast you would have thought he had asked to grant me a wish. We were toying with each other for a month, namely me tip-toeing around the unknown.

“Let’s get the rest of these clothes off,” he suggested before he went for my top, lifting it over my arms and head with a precise speed I didn’t expect. He was already yanking his shirt up by the time I reached and helped him out of it.

My fingers roamed, crawling over his ripped body, finding him hot enough to burn my fingertips. His eyes were lit with that same flaming intensity he was driving into me.

He went for my shorts and undies, and whatever reluctance I was hanging on to when I walked into the room, had melted away as quickly as he was undressing me. I eased my ass up and off the bed and gladly let him have every stitch.

Laying bare before him, he took me in. “You are so fucking sexy,” he whispered against my lips, licking them and trailing his tongue down my neck and lower along my shoulder blade.

By the time he had made it to my chest, he stiffened his tongue and dragged it over my nipple, before pulling it between his lips and sucking hard enough to induce a lazy moan. “Oh, yes.” The words trailed heavily across my vocal cords. He bit my nipple hard before pulling it between his teeth enough to make it sting, but it was an ache that pulled a satisfying groan from the pit of my stomach.

It was a pathetic truth that no one had taken this much time on my body unless I had demanded it. They usually ended up doing such a shitty job of foreplay that I would be ready to move on before the mood was lost, or I took over completely.

Arjen knew his way around my body like he’d been studying it. Whispers and gossip believed a man who engaged in too much foreplay was making up for what he lacked in sexual stamina. I prayed that this wasn’t the case with my husband.

He licked and sucked my nipples so good, that he had me poking out my tits for him to take them as he pleased. He pleasured me until my chest heaved in response to my struggle for air, and my pussy dripped in anticipation.

When his mouth and hot, wet tongue went lower, my legs spread wider, anxious for him to stroke the heavy ache he had put there. He had me soaked, hot and ready to erupt the moment his mouth caressed any waiting part of me.

Did he sense my lingering release? He didn’t go to my hottest spot right away, but massaged my hips and thighs and placed kisses all along the area. When I had calmed enough to breathe evenly, he pressed kisses along my stomach that made me pulse with each soft caress before he slid his body between my spread legs. He was quick and agile for such a tall, full-bodied man.

I fisted the sheets, tension riding me as I found myself angling for him to put me out of my misery. He loved watching me, and the sight of his exploring gaze added to the beautiful tension he had set off within my body. His eyes traced every line and bend in tandem with his unrushed actions. With his mouth positioned above my pulsing heat, he glanced up and I caught the blue in his eyes flaming with fire.

He reached up and pried one of my clenched hands from the covers. Bringing it to his face, he kissed my palm before he slid my hand into his hair. Was he prompting me to take hold? Damn, this was getting erotic.

Tags: Keta Kendric Romance