Page 59 of Beautiful Chaos

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Patrena straightened the belt on her robe and secured the two front tails of the robe between her legs as I had done. We had no underwear on, so a clothing malfunction could result in an extremely embarrassing moment.

“Are you okay with this?” I whispered to Patrena while we were in our slightly bent positions, facing away from the men.

“Did you see that man? If you think I’m not about to hop on that, you’re crazy,” she whispered, allowing a smile to spread across her face. Patrena was handling all of this better than I expected her to. However, in getting to know her over the years, I had learned that her life hadn’t been a cakewalk either. She had faced as many dark times as me, and this was likely the reason she remained my friend, even after finding out who my father and family were. She had also been receiving some lessons in protection from Mecca that she never really talked about.

Khane and Tywin bent to allow us to hop onto their strong backs. After Khane tucked his forearms under my ass and adjusted me higher, the thigh-length robe no longer separated most of my front from his back. This was going to be one interesting trip.

“How far do we have to go?” I questioned. “Only five miles,” he replied like hiking five miles with a woman on his back was something he practiced every day.

A glance back at Patrena revealed that she appeared more comfortable with Tywin than I was with Khane. They also had the privilege of not having history on their side.

The men started the trek with long, easy strides, allowing us to get used to being their passengers. After a few minutes, their steps grew to a brisker pace, and their long legs had them nearly jogging with us bobbing on their backs.

It was difficult to accept all that had happened in the past hour. Who the hell was after me, and why? The question would nag me until I was able to give it answers.

The vibration of Khane’s phone scared the shit out of me, feeling like a swarm of insects had been crawling up the inside of my thigh.

“Yes,” he answered, without removing his phone from its spot. I edged up higher, curious to see how he was communicating. He must have understood my movement as he turned his head, and my eyes narrowly caught the tiny device in his ear. It was a small earbud fitted inside his ear that blended with his skin tone, making it nearly invisible.

“Okay, let me know when you have anything else,” Khane stated. He and Tywin glanced at each other with knowing expressions, leading me to believe they were wired into the same call. The need to ask them questions was great. However, I didn’t believe this was the time for me to satisfy my curious nature, so I tightened my grip around Khane and relaxed into the firm warmth of his powerful body.

Thankfully, my pelvis wasn’t flush with his back. Nothing would have been more embarrassing than me leaving a spot on the back of his shirt or me getting aroused enough through our movement to rub one out and orgasm.

A deep inhale closed my eyes. Did Khane know he smelled like sin? Not any sin though. His was the type of sin that seeped into your body and led you to do the kind of things that had taken place on his balcony.

Hmmm. Hmmm. Humm. Humming inside my head didn’t help me clear the sinful ideas that had started the moment I hopped on his back. Being this close to him was wreaking havoc on my libido, no matter what kind of danger we were facing. He claimed that I had taken a wrecking ball to him, but what the hell had he done to me?

As a distraction, my eyes landed on Tywin and Patrena. Like a long-time couple, they appeared perfectly in tune with each other. The sight of them was perplexing, considering they had just met minutes ago. Their faces were set with a level of comfort you gained from knowing someone for some time. She glanced around at our tree-lined surroundings, as he kept up with Khane’s rapid pace.

I wasn’t that comfortable with Khane because my discomfort stemmed from the many desires I harbored for him. I wanted him to fuck me only once and hopefully, it would be bad. That way, the lust would ease away, the emotions would lessen, and I would only be left with my guilt to deal with.

I concentrated on the trees and the woodsy smell of pine, sneaking in past his scent. They all looked the same, fat leaves fluttering about, dancing against the slow moving caress of the wind. Too soon, and with full force, my mind crawled its way back to the man whose back muscles flexed against the points of my tits.


How the hell had I gotten here? Hunted down at the spa by gun-carrying killers, chased and shot at, and trekking through the woods on the back of my future brother-in-law, who I just happen to be lusting after?

Tags: Keta Kendric Romance