Page 55 of Beautiful Chaos

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I hadn’t heard or seen him move, but he was standing behind the man, pointing a gun at his head. The man mouthed a silent “Fuck!” as he dropped my chin and his dick before lifting his hands. His dick bobbed in front of me as he backed away. My eyes roamed Khane’s body as I was sure I had seen him take three gunshots.

The friend backed away from Patrena as Khane had a gun in each hand, one he had snatched from the back of the man standing in front of me. The men had foolishly put their weapons away to participate in their acts of debauchery.

Once Khane had them disarmed and standing against the wall, they begged, just as Patrena and I had moments earlier.

“You…” Khane pointed the gun at the one who’d had Patrena. “On your fucking knees, now.” His tone rang so low and deadly that the man fell to his knees without protest. “Now, face each other,” he ordered. The men vigorously shook their heads, begging harder when they realized the position Khane was putting them in.

“Do what the fuck I say or meet my bad side.” Khane’s voice was like glass being rubbed into a gunshot wound.

The men faced each other, one on his knees in front of the other. “You, motherfucker that shot me. You wanted some head, so I’m deciding to be generous and let you have some.”

“Please. Don’t do this,” he begged, his eyes wide and watery.

“You don’t have to do this, man,” the other pleaded.

Khane scratched his head with the butt of one of the guns and took a few steps closer. “Open your motherfucking mouth.” The men were in tears at this point. Khane’s gun was aimed at the one standing, the one that had shot him. “You got the easiest part.”

He used his gun to wave the man forward, his dick inching closer to the mouth of the sniveling man kneeling before him.

Khane glanced back at me. “Desiree, you may want to turn around. I don’t want you having nightmares about this shit.”

It was like watching a car crash happen in super slow motion. I couldn’t turn away. “I’m sure I’ve already seen enough to create enough nightmares to last me two lifetimes.” I was talking more to myself than Khane.

Patrena was just as fixated on the men as I was. We were still on our knees, hugging each other. Was I embracing this vengeance because I wanted to see the men get humiliated?

The man on his knees was still begging when the one standing pushed his dick into his mouth. My wide eyes wouldn’t blink, and my parted lips wouldn’t shut. I took in the sight of their trembling bodies and listened to their desperate cries during the act they were forced to perform. When the men drew away from one another, Khane inched closer. “Go until I fucking tell you to stop.”

“Desiree. Last chance to look away,” Khane called back, his tone light like he wasn’t forcing one man to give the other head.

“Now, let me see if I can pierce your dick with a bullet while it’s in his mouth.” His words took a moment to soak into my brain, but the men had caught on immediately. He was close enough to direct the men exactly the way he wanted them positioned, like he was staging a piece of art for viewing. How the man getting sucked off hadn’t gone limp was beyond me.

“If you hold your mouth just right, it won’t get shot off, the bullet may pass right through your cheeks. And you, if you back your dick out in time, you just may get to keep it.”

Patrena and I hugged each other tighter while we continued to stare at the sight and listen to Khane’s wicked plans. Shrieking yells and guttural moans lit up the space, horror filling every syllable of the men’s broken cries.

Khane made sure that the five minutes the men had wanted with me and Patrena wasn’t being wasted. They had broken apart long enough to face Khane, pleading with all they had. Their faces were red and wet with tears, lips quivering, and hands in prayer position.

Khane reached down and unsheathed his knife. “You push, and you suck, or I’m cutting the motherfucker off and making you eat it.” The threat put a fire under the men as one sucked the other off with more gusto.

When Khane backed away from them and took a knee, my gaze bounced rapidly from him to them. He aimed at the men, and my lips fell further apart as Patrena’s eyes were about to pop out of their sockets.

Loud desperate pleas were mingled with muffled ones. Like a scene snatched straight from hell, the gun blast sounded, without warning, and sent my heart into my throat.

The kneeling man’s mouth exploded from the impact of the bullet, parts and pieces flying into the air. The men fell apart, one missing a big chunk of his mouth, the other missing most of his dick. The two parts were in pieces, dick parts still inside of what was left of the man’s mouth as his body convulsed on the floor. The rest of the gore had splattered against the wall behind the men, including pieces of porcelain, teeth embedded in the matter against the wall.

The man who was missing most of his dick was clearly in shock as he stood in place, shaking from overwhelming horror, his wide eyes aimed downward. His shredded part leaked blood, the flow appearing to replicate the drip of cum.

Bam! Bam!

My eyes drifted closed after the gun blasts, but it was too late. I had witnessed every detail. The head of the one standing was snatched back, sending more blood splatter against the wall before his body stiffened and face planted to the floor. His brain appeared to jump from his head with a sense of urgency from the gaping hole left there. The one on the floor jerked once from the bullet’s strong impact before he went still.

Khane stood, admiring his handiwork before he turned and stepped back to us. He took each of us by an arm and lifted, helping us from the position we had been stuck in on the floor. Once I was sure I could stand on my own, my hands were on Khane, searching for bullet wounds.

“Are you okay? You were shot.” My finger poked at one of the holes in his shirt. “How?” I lifted the shirt and found another.

“Body armor,” was his reply. My finger brushed over the material of the undershirt that was made of what felt like bendable metal.

“You could have disclosed that to me. I thought you were dead.”

Tags: Keta Kendric Romance