Page 50 of Twisted Hearts

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Once in the bathroom,I drew back the shower curtain and paused my actions when Aaron entered the bathroom after me. I waited until he was close enough for his warm breath to touch my face.

“You know, Aaron, thinking about you firing that grenade launcher has my pussy getting wetter by the second.”

My comment made his smile grow wider. What the hell was wrong with me? My libido was out of control. I had no off switch when it came to Aaron. The fact that he had a body that called to my every desire and a dick that could fill many women’s fantasies added fuel to my amped-up desires.

Aaron didn’t comment. He stepped into my personal space and bent slightly, lifting me. Automatically, my legs wrapped around his waist. The stitches I’d haphazardly sewn into his side came to mind, but Aaron didn’t give a damn about those stitches. He reached down and filled both his hands with my ass. My legs drew tighter around his waist until I was able to cross them at his lower back.

“You’re going to bust your low budget stitches,” I warned before smiling playfully at him.

He took my bottom lip first, sucking on it. A greedy kiss followed as he walked us closer to the shower. He reached and twisted the shower knob without pulling his lips away from mine, turning the water on.

He waited for the water to warm, with me wrapped around him. His hands never stopped roaming my body, and in response, my hands roved freely over his strong chiseled chest and back.

I’d seen multicolored bruises on his arms, chest, and back, but like that stab wound, he didn’t care. By the time steam misted from the shower, Aaron had steam rolling off my body.

We hurriedly tore off the rest of our clothes and allowed the warm water to wash our sins down the drain. I took my time scrubbing Aaron clean, and he had no problem allowing me to linger in the places I thought were the dirtiest. By the time I finished my cleaning, his dick was as stiff as the pipes spilling water on us.

Aaron ignored his obvious need and returned the favor. Strong hands washed me with slow soapy strokes that cleaned and massaged me at the same time. Our need grew more intense with each swipe of his hand over my body. When his hand reached my warm, gushy center, his fingers slid over and inside me, making my lips fall apart as my response remained caught in my throat.

My eyes lingered on his straight white teeth as they sank into his tempting pink lips. The haze of his desire darkened, and his gaze loitered on mine while his fingers worked me into frenzy. Next thing I knew, he lifted my semi-soapy body before backing me under the water to rinse me off.

Warm water beat against my skin, but it was nothing compared to the man standing between my parted legs. I gripped the back of his neck and one of his bulging biceps. My eyes didn’t dare drop away from his until he filled me to the hilt, and I was forced to close them.

“Oh God. Aaron,” I hissed out as my wet body shivered with pleasure.

It hadn’t been a full day since we’d been together, but it seemed like weeks had passed. After the first thrust, he paused, savoring the delectable excitement that took our breaths and united us in a way that no one else would understand.

He backed out and heaved his dick back inside my pussy, repeating the action until I forgot about the shootout in the woods, the blown-up vehicle, or that anyone had even been aiming to kill us.

God. This man had complete possession of my mind and body. He took my mind to places it had never been, made my body come alive with sensations that I never knew existed, and could make me forget about the world outside and concentrate only on us.

After we managed to dry off our shaky post-orgasmic bodies, we stumbled to the lumpy bed and fell in, giggling about our inability to get enough of each other once we got started. It didn’t take long for one of Aaron’s strong hands to wrap around my ankle and for me to be dragged into position.

Neither of us cared what position we ended up in, as long as we were fucking the hell out of each other. I straddled his lap, my pussy dripping wet even after the wet episode in the shower. His hard dick dug into my stomach, its warm, velvety texture against my skin made its presence known.

I sprinkled kisses all over Aaron’s face before I covered his lips with mine and searched for his tongue. Our tongues mated, sliding up and down and over and under as we feasted on each other. The bags of food he’d taken out of the back of his truck bed were forgotten along with the duffle he dragged out of his truck. He said the duffle contained a fresh change of clothes. Although he hadn’t mentioned it, I was sure the duffle also contained more guns.

I’d been hungry before we showered. However, once Aaron got his hands on me, I couldn’t remember and didn’t care about food or anything other than what he was doing to my body.

“Now, Megan. I need to be back inside you, now,” he demanded.

I raised my lower body but kept my lips on his before reaching my hand between us to guide the tip of his plump dick head to my slick opening. I slid down, spreading myself to accommodate his impressive length and magnificent girth. Every time I was sure his dick wouldn’t all go, but I greedily forced it inside, wanting him as deep as my body would allow.

A deep sigh flew past my parted lips and breezed through the blond locks of his hair, still wet. I slid up and down his glorious dick but knew I wouldn’t enjoy the ride for long. He’d revealed in the heat of one of our episodes that I could make him cum in a minute flat if he let me ride him like that.

Just as I was thinking it and only after a few long strides, he gripped my ass with gritted teeth. “You’re killing me, Megan, I can’t take it. Jesus.” With my ass palmed in his hands, he assisted in controlling my movement, which I didn’t mind. His penetrating upward thrust had my eyes rolling in my head.

He knew what my body needed better than I did and he sent wave after lustful wave of intoxicating levels of pleasure up my pussy that fanned out and spread all over my body.

He had me teetering on the edge of going mad. Pleasure seeped down to my bones, which were threatening to slide clean out of my body. I couldn’t breathe or think. He’d fucked every reasonable sense clean out of my head. I couldn’t even kiss him right.

My head dropped, and my teeth sank into the taut flesh of his warm shoulder. Over the course of our affair, I’d decorated him in bite marks, scratches, and even bruises where I’d sucked his skin too hard. He didn’t seem to mind, and I couldn’t control myself when he made me go out of my head with overwhelming pleasure.

He moaned loudly in my ear, and I didn’t know if it was because of my bite or his own pleasure. His heavy breathing joined the sparks of desire that peppered my hot, trembling flesh. My tits bobbed up and down and rubbed against the soft hairs that dusted his chest. He stretched my walls to the max, making me take him in balls deep. The start of my demise flashed like lightning in my belly before it rose and fell and it filled me up from the bottom of my feet to the tips of my hair follicles.

My fingers flexed, tangled in Aaron’s hair, gripping a patch at the back of his skull. My nails raked across his scalp before I fisted another handful.

Tags: Keta Kendric Erotic

Read The Twisted Hearts Page 50 - Read Online Free

Page 50 of Twisted Hearts

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Once in the bathroom,I drew back the shower curtain and paused my actions when Aaron entered the bathroom after me. I waited until he was close enough for his warm breath to touch my face.

“You know, Aaron, thinking about you firing that grenade launcher has my pussy getting wetter by the second.”

My comment made his smile grow wider. What the hell was wrong with me? My libido was out of control. I had no off switch when it came to Aaron. The fact that he had a body that called to my every desire and a dick that could fill many women’s fantasies added fuel to my amped-up desires.

Aaron didn’t comment. He stepped into my personal space and bent slightly, lifting me. Automatically, my legs wrapped around his waist. The stitches I’d haphazardly sewn into his side came to mind, but Aaron didn’t give a damn about those stitches. He reached down and filled both his hands with my ass. My legs drew tighter around his waist until I was able to cross them at his lower back.

“You’re going to bust your low budget stitches,” I warned before smiling playfully at him.

He took my bottom lip first, sucking on it. A greedy kiss followed as he walked us closer to the shower. He reached and twisted the shower knob without pulling his lips away from mine, turning the water on.

He waited for the water to warm, with me wrapped around him. His hands never stopped roaming my body, and in response, my hands roved freely over his strong chiseled chest and back.

I’d seen multicolored bruises on his arms, chest, and back, but like that stab wound, he didn’t care. By the time steam misted from the shower, Aaron had steam rolling off my body.

We hurriedly tore off the rest of our clothes and allowed the warm water to wash our sins down the drain. I took my time scrubbing Aaron clean, and he had no problem allowing me to linger in the places I thought were the dirtiest. By the time I finished my cleaning, his dick was as stiff as the pipes spilling water on us.

Aaron ignored his obvious need and returned the favor. Strong hands washed me with slow soapy strokes that cleaned and massaged me at the same time. Our need grew more intense with each swipe of his hand over my body. When his hand reached my warm, gushy center, his fingers slid over and inside me, making my lips fall apart as my response remained caught in my throat.

My eyes lingered on his straight white teeth as they sank into his tempting pink lips. The haze of his desire darkened, and his gaze loitered on mine while his fingers worked me into frenzy. Next thing I knew, he lifted my semi-soapy body before backing me under the water to rinse me off.

Warm water beat against my skin, but it was nothing compared to the man standing between my parted legs. I gripped the back of his neck and one of his bulging biceps. My eyes didn’t dare drop away from his until he filled me to the hilt, and I was forced to close them.

“Oh God. Aaron,” I hissed out as my wet body shivered with pleasure.

It hadn’t been a full day since we’d been together, but it seemed like weeks had passed. After the first thrust, he paused, savoring the delectable excitement that took our breaths and united us in a way that no one else would understand.

He backed out and heaved his dick back inside my pussy, repeating the action until I forgot about the shootout in the woods, the blown-up vehicle, or that anyone had even been aiming to kill us.

God. This man had complete possession of my mind and body. He took my mind to places it had never been, made my body come alive with sensations that I never knew existed, and could make me forget about the world outside and concentrate only on us.

After we managed to dry off our shaky post-orgasmic bodies, we stumbled to the lumpy bed and fell in, giggling about our inability to get enough of each other once we got started. It didn’t take long for one of Aaron’s strong hands to wrap around my ankle and for me to be dragged into position.

Neither of us cared what position we ended up in, as long as we were fucking the hell out of each other. I straddled his lap, my pussy dripping wet even after the wet episode in the shower. His hard dick dug into my stomach, its warm, velvety texture against my skin made its presence known.

I sprinkled kisses all over Aaron’s face before I covered his lips with mine and searched for his tongue. Our tongues mated, sliding up and down and over and under as we feasted on each other. The bags of food he’d taken out of the back of his truck bed were forgotten along with the duffle he dragged out of his truck. He said the duffle contained a fresh change of clothes. Although he hadn’t mentioned it, I was sure the duffle also contained more guns.

I’d been hungry before we showered. However, once Aaron got his hands on me, I couldn’t remember and didn’t care about food or anything other than what he was doing to my body.

“Now, Megan. I need to be back inside you, now,” he demanded.

I raised my lower body but kept my lips on his before reaching my hand between us to guide the tip of his plump dick head to my slick opening. I slid down, spreading myself to accommodate his impressive length and magnificent girth. Every time I was sure his dick wouldn’t all go, but I greedily forced it inside, wanting him as deep as my body would allow.

A deep sigh flew past my parted lips and breezed through the blond locks of his hair, still wet. I slid up and down his glorious dick but knew I wouldn’t enjoy the ride for long. He’d revealed in the heat of one of our episodes that I could make him cum in a minute flat if he let me ride him like that.

Just as I was thinking it and only after a few long strides, he gripped my ass with gritted teeth. “You’re killing me, Megan, I can’t take it. Jesus.” With my ass palmed in his hands, he assisted in controlling my movement, which I didn’t mind. His penetrating upward thrust had my eyes rolling in my head.

He knew what my body needed better than I did and he sent wave after lustful wave of intoxicating levels of pleasure up my pussy that fanned out and spread all over my body.

He had me teetering on the edge of going mad. Pleasure seeped down to my bones, which were threatening to slide clean out of my body. I couldn’t breathe or think. He’d fucked every reasonable sense clean out of my head. I couldn’t even kiss him right.

My head dropped, and my teeth sank into the taut flesh of his warm shoulder. Over the course of our affair, I’d decorated him in bite marks, scratches, and even bruises where I’d sucked his skin too hard. He didn’t seem to mind, and I couldn’t control myself when he made me go out of my head with overwhelming pleasure.

He moaned loudly in my ear, and I didn’t know if it was because of my bite or his own pleasure. His heavy breathing joined the sparks of desire that peppered my hot, trembling flesh. My tits bobbed up and down and rubbed against the soft hairs that dusted his chest. He stretched my walls to the max, making me take him in balls deep. The start of my demise flashed like lightning in my belly before it rose and fell and it filled me up from the bottom of my feet to the tips of my hair follicles.

My fingers flexed, tangled in Aaron’s hair, gripping a patch at the back of his skull. My nails raked across his scalp before I fisted another handful.

Tags: Keta Kendric Erotic