Page 20 of Twisted Hearts

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She glanced back over her shoulder and smiled in my direction, proof that she knew she was being watched. I glanced around my area, ensuring she couldn’t see me. The darkened interior of the apartment shielded me. I had the couch pulled up close to the window, but I’d done this on enough occasions that I knew how to position myself not to get caught. How the fuck did she know she was being watched?

This was the first time that anyone had noticed or sensed me watching them. Maybe crazy people sensed other crazy people. It was also proof that she was much more than the innocent writer she had presented herself to be. She was as much a predator as I was, but I had to remind myself that I was there to make sure she never preyed on anyone else.

Her wet flowing curls clung to her shoulders and neck. Her skin glowed with a just-out-of-the-shower, dewy mist. It irked me that I couldn’t stop watching her. That even as I wanted to kill her, my mouth watered to taste her on my tongue and make her cry out my name as I fucked her. She stared in my direction until her eyes stopped near where I was sitting.

I see you, you evil little cunt. You know that I’m watching you. Wait until I get my hands on your ass.My mind said one thing, but my fucking body did another.

Megan’s eyes remained in my direction, but they didn’t quite settle on me. What she did next set my blood to a slow boil. She sat on the edge of her bed and started fondling herself as she continued to glance in my direction.

She spread her legs wide and let her hand slide over her pussy, fingering herself over her cut-off jeans. Her body moved against her fingers, giving me a show, making me hotter with every touch. My dick betrayed me again, hardening the moment she’d let her hand slide between her legs.

Her busy fingers popped the button on her shorts and slid the zipper down before she slipped her hand inside. As she played with herself, she adjusted her eyes so that it appeared she was looking directly at me. After extracting her glistening fingers, she licked them with a slow upward stroke of her hot tongue.

When she scooted to the edge of the bed and started to lower her pants, my breath hitched before my tongue slid across my lips. I shook my head, hoping she wasn’t about to do what I thought she was about to do. She turned her back to me as she worked her shorts down, giving me a good view of that plump, sweet ass of hers.

Positioning herself back on the edge of the bed, one of her legs dangled over the side, and the other stayed atop the bedding, spread wide enough that I could see parts of her tempting pussy behind the shear purple underwear she kept on. Her middle finger snaked up her stomach before she slipped it into her mouth and licked it, getting it wet for what she was about to do.

Once she made a show of licking that finger, she reached down and slipped her panties to the side. She spread her lower lips so that I could see the pink inside her pussy. I salivated at the sight and couldn’t swallow fast enough to stop the flow. So much blood rushed to my dick, I was afraid it might explode. While her pointer finger and ring finger held her pussy open, she let her middle finger circle her clit. At the sight of the visual stimulation she showcased, I couldn’t stop my hand from sliding over the hard line of my dick.

When she slipped her middle finger inside and rolled her body against her hand, my dick throbbed, and lust started to consume my mind. I wanted nothing more than to go over there and fuck her brains out, but I was not ready for her to see me yet. I hadn’t come up with a solid plan on how or where I was going take her to torture and kill her.

She extracted her finger and now had two fingers snaking up her stomach and making their way to her hot wet tongue. God, her tongue and soft lips had felt so damn good sliding up and down my dick. It was so fucking wet and hot. She knew how to use that dirty, quiet, little tongue of hers so well. I ached to have it on any part of my flesh that was now burning with desire as I was unable to stop myself from watching her.

She sucked her fingers as her pussy danced for me, glistening with her wetness. She reached down and massaged her clit before sliding in the agile fingers she’d wet. The sight of such a sinful display made my dick jump in my hand. I couldn’t control my breathing anymore as I undid my belt, button, and zipper with quick, anxious movements.

I reached into my pants and gripped my dick, no longer able to just watch. Her actions had depleted my resolve to resist her tempting show. Precum slipped from my tip as I stroked my dick—watching her, watch me, as I fantasized about being inside her tight walls.

She spread her legs wider, and it gave me an even better view of exactly how well she was fingering herself. She slipped her middle and ring finger in and out of her pussy faster as she twirled her body in a way that flashed the top and bottom view of her. She worked herself closer to orgasm but stopped abruptly to let three fingers slide up her stomach. I knew what was coming next and started stroking my dick faster.

Repeating her actions with three fingers, she licked her juices from the one’s she’d wet, making me want a taste. I would have liked nothing more than to feast on her. The idea of it made me sink my teeth into my bottom lip after my tongue slid across it.

When she eased her fingers out of her mouth, she sent them back on the journey to explore herself, and I released a deep exhale as my eyes widened in excitement. She shoved those three wet fingers into her pussy, working them in and out. It took everything in me: willpower, determination, and drive, not to cum on the spot or get up and go over there.

My dick was so hard it started to ache, and all I could do to calm it was stroke it faster when she started thrusting and moving faster.

She was close. I could see it as her body started to shake and she drove her fingers in more urgently. I couldn’t take it anymore. The moment her lush lips dropped apart, and she started to fuck herself wildly, I lost it.

Watching her cum had gotten me there as a stream of cum shot out and landed on the floor before me. Another hot shot sprayed all over Mr. Hancock’s couch. Some even drizzled down my fingers as the fucking binoculars shook in my trembling hand because I refused to let them drop away from the sight of her.

Megan let her head fall back as she continued to stroke her pussy that was so wet at this point, I could see that her juices had dripped down to her pale blue spread. She sat there staring at me before she got up and snatched her curtains closed.

I let the binoculars drop from my shaking hand, but my semi-hard dick remained wrapped in the cupped fist of my other hand. My urge to fuck Megan grew so intense, I had to close my eyes for a moment and meditate to get my breathing back under control. I pictured the storyteller’s droopy tits, hoping that image would calm me down, but it didn’t work. All the images of Megan fucking herself flooded my brain and caused a massive amount of lust to course through my body.

This was an embarrassing first for me. First, I’d failed to kill my target. Then, I’d sat there and got off on watching her fuck herself. Now, my fucking body and mind were in a battle over the next move I was going to make.

It took much more than meditation to get my dick to stop throbbing. Not even the thought of how she’d tricked me or my MC had gotten my mind under control.

For once, I agreed with my father. “She’s fucked my head up,” I mumbled to myself before slamming my eyes shut. I struggled to concentrate on why I was truly there because the last thing I wanted to do right at this moment was kill her. All I could concentrate on was how good it would feel to fuck her.

Tags: Keta Kendric Erotic