Page 38 of Twisted Minds

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Chapter 19

Aaron - Day 30

Sleep didn’t comeeasy last night even after I fucked myself into what I assumed was a minor coma. The idea of Megan leaving didn’t sit well no matter how much I attempted to convince myself otherwise. I’d developed feelings for her…feelings I’d never had for any other woman. They were feelings I didn’t even think I could produce.

I didn’t have to reach to know that Megan wasn’t in bed with me. I sensed the emptiness before I raised my head.

She was likely making me breakfast for the last time. She was one of the most extraordinary women I’d ever met. There weren’t many women that could take the kind of murder and mayhem that usually revolved around my life. Not only did Megan prove that she could take it, but she was also capable of dishing it out.

It should have been me in that tub of acid in that grave in the woods instead of Chuck, Clint, and Dutch. If Megan hadn’t been brave enough to pull that suicidal shit and react against two men with guns intent on killing us, we’d likely be dead. She had saved my life. My father claimed she’d also saved Wade’s life by shooting Scud. Did she have any idea the level of respect she’d earned from my MC in such a short time? Maybe I saw what I wanted to see in my father, but when my father found out she’d saved my life, I could have sworn I’d seen pride flashed in his eyes.

Megan was the kind of woman I’d been searching for my entire life and today was her last day with me. All these years it seemed that no woman had ever been good enough for me and could never fully satisfy me the way I wanted. None had ever understood my personality. Megan did. She fit. She made sense to me. She understood me. Knowing what little I knew about her, I knew her well enough to know that once she left, she wasn’t coming back, no matter what kind of feelings were swimming between us.

I crept down to the kitchen and like I thought, she’d made me breakfast. Where the hell was she, though? She was nowhere in sight. I stood there for a frozen moment, glancing around my empty kitchen that held the scent of cleaning products beyond the aroma of bacon and eggs.

As I stepped past the table, a chill rode me so hard that I shrugged my shoulders trying to roll it away.

The silence in my house grew more intense the longer I searched and didn’t see Megan. Her phone was gone. The guest room she’d only slept in for two nights of her fifteen-day stay was clean and empty. Her backpack was not in the living room closet. No trace of her was left.

She was gone. I knew it. I sensed it. But, dammit, I didn’t want to accept it.

When I stepped out onto my porch, my gaze ran past my parked truck and panned around to the woods that surrounded my place, particularly the area I’d informed her was eight miles in the direction of the town.

“She fucking didn’t.” The words flew past my lips as my feet bounded the steps. A dusty gust of wind came out of nowhere and swept against me as I skittered over sticks, rocks, and dirt. I was headed towards the eight-mile stretch of densely populated woods.

Megan had expressed to me that running was one of her most well-liked hobbies. I’d seen her run, ten, twelve, and even fourteen miles on that damn treadmill. If she’d wanted to get away from me, she was in damn good enough shape to leave whenever she wanted to.

It didn’t take me but a minute to find the disturbed earth, broken twigs below my shoulder level, and a few broken branches that she’d stepped on. She damn sure wasn’t kidding about not wanting to say goodbye.

My first thought was to hop in my truck and see if I could track her to town, but I discarded the idea. She’d been right. We needed to rip the Band-Aid off. Nothing good would come of us attempting to forge something that wasn’t meant to be.

I sat on my steps and stared at that stretch of woods for an hour. My earlobes tingled to have her whispering her motivating curse words into my ear, telling me how good I was fucking her. My fingers ached to touch any part of her lush and intoxicating body. The sight of all that soft and silky brown skin had turned me on like nothing else ever had. My nostrils flared for a remnant of her sweet smell. My tongue skimmed across my lips, wishing it were her juices passing over them to rain all over my tongue. My dick throbbed, aching to sink into her magical pussy.

I sat there, waiting, I suppose, for her to change her mind and come out of those woods. The fucking insects and birds teased me with their buzzing melodies as they sat high in the trees.

She had fucking left, disappeared like she’d never existed. The longer I sat, the angrier I became. The darkness that constantly lingered at my back loomed, taunting and laughing at me too.

A devilish smile inched across my lips as I leveled my daring gaze at those woods. I was the one the MC called on when they needed someone found. Therefore, if I really wanted to, I could find Megan.

I hadn’t had time to figure out all her secrets. I hadn’t had time to figure out what she’d been hiding from me. The moment I realized that she’d become more than just the best sex of my life, I noticed how often she avoided talking about herself. I saw the way she skirted the subject of her past.

“I’m not fucking through with you, Megan.” The need to find Megan had risen in me just as fierce as the need to fuck her had taken over my mind. Was I about to make a mistake going after her?

Tags: Keta Kendric Erotic