Page 15 of Twisted Minds

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The woman didn’t waste time, that’s for sure. Now, I further understood why the damn clubhouse and bar appeared to have been remodeled. All they needed was a good cleaning, and based on my kitchen, the new maid didn’t mind doing a thorough job.

* * *

Sunday wasthe only day that I didn’t do a damn thing but watch sports, lounge, and drink beer. After a long hot shower, I headed back to my couch.

It seemed like minutes, but it must have been hours. When I opened my eyes to the beautiful face staring down at me, I froze, thinking I must have been hung up in a dream.

Brown was not a color I’d associated with pretty things, but her big eyes were the prettiest shade I’d seen in a long time. They weren’t a light brown but more like a burning orange and brown mixture that sat like big adorable perfectly placed orbs of burning light. Those lush, full lips were a brownish-pink that blended perfectly with her bronzed unblemished skin. Even her nose was cute. Her perfectly arched brows went from slightly arched to extremely when she raised her eyes or changed her facial expression. It was too late for me to pretend like I hadn’t been staring. I’d made her uneasy enough that she had dropped her gaze and halted her approach.

Although common sense told me that most of what I’d learned or had been taught about blacks wasn’t true, I was starting to think I was about to discover that more of the shit I’d learned didn’t have an ounce of truth to it. I liked Megan’s cooking a lot, but more than that, I liked the way she looked. I was as attracted to her as I would have been to any other woman that caught my eye. I fought the effects of drowsiness and where my mind wanted to linger.

“I brought you lunch if you’re hungry,” she said after I stopped ogling her and glanced at the plate in her hand.

My body hadn’t woken enough for me to decide if I was hungry or not, but I wasn’t going to turn down what looked like chicken and dumplings. Breakfast and lunch on the same day! I’d hit the fucking lottery.

There wasn’t a time in my life that I could remember getting a home-cooked breakfast and lunch in the same day. If she was going to be cooking like this, I needed to go shopping. I knew what was in my kitchen and wondered how she’d managed to scrape together two complete meals.

“Thank you,” I told her, still staring at her. I was sure she hadn’t missed the way my lingering gaze stalked her body.

“You’re welcome,” she said softly.

Just as she had that morning, she hurried back to the kitchen, taking quick and quiet steps.

With my plate balanced in my hand, I sat thinking about the curves of her body until the flavorful aroma of the food lured my thoughts away.

I ate, enjoying every mouthwatering spoonful before I allowed my thoughts to return. If Megan’s aim was to poison me, I prayed the shit killed me fast. Why did it seem like she was running from me? Each of our encounters had been uncomfortable and brief like we were avoiding something.

Was I scary enough to cause her to run from me? Maybe I’d been staring at her too hard. My tattoos, the long biker hair, and the beard I was thinking of chopping off—it may have been too much for someone as innocent-looking as her.

This time, when I entered the kitchen, I spotted Megan in the pantry stacking my canned goods. The clinking of my plate and glass as I placed them in the sink had her peeking out of the doorway of the pantry. She didn’t have her music in this time. Her phone sat on the countertop. The low buzz of a familiar tune spilled out of the headphones and had me interested in what she listened to.

Quick steps led me to the pantry where I purposely invaded her personal space by standing in the doorway. With no place to run from me this time, she didn’t have a choice but to back away from me.

“Are you afraid of me?” I asked, realizing that my sharp tone was likely intimidating.

She dropped her gaze as she lowered her head, but I wasn’t sure it was fear I was seeing. I’d scared many motherfuckers, and something was telling me that it wasn’t all fear I saw on Megan’s face and anxious movements.

“Well, you don’t have to be afraid of me,” I assured her, taking a little of the bass out of my voice.

I stepped into the pantry and invaded her space further. I liked seeing her squirm against my closeness as I continued to inch closer, keeping my gaze on hers until I had her pinned to the back wall of my pantry.

“Humph,” she grunted when her back hit the wall.

My anxious hands lifted, and I pressed them against the wall on each side of her head while her gaze stayed on my chest.

“Megan, look at me,” I demanded.

She did, and I’d be damned if she wasn’t one of the most beautiful women I’d laid eyes on. A sprinkling of cute brown freckles dotted her nose and cheeks and could only be seen this close up. The urge to kiss her sprang up in me before I could figure out where it had come from. My glare landed on her lush, tempting lips, which enticed me to lick my own.

My head tilted downward, falling close enough to hers that I felt her warmth. My hungry lips were inches away from hers now. She kept her eyes on mine, searching for my purpose as her warm breath brushed over my face. I sensed how good it would feel to close the last few inches separating us so that I could feel her lips on mine, against mine, and between mine.

“I’m not going to hurt you,” I said. A stray thought crossed my mind, and I was unable to keep the telling smile from twisting my lips. “I won’t unless you want me to.”

She continued searching my eyes without responding to my comment as her breaths came in fits and starts, the only sound bouncing around the tight space of my pantry. Her presence continued to pull me in, and words I’d intended to keep in my head started pouring from my lips.

“I don’t give two fucks about what my father said. If you ask me to or gave me permission to, I’ll fuck you any way you want.”

Her lips parted, but she didn’t or maybe she couldn’t speak. The visible tremble of her body was turning me on so badly that a stream of blood rushed to my dick. It was as hard as the lead pipes on my chopper. My gaze swept over her lips and the quivering pulse in her neck before roving back up to her wide eyes.

I desperately wanted to give myself over to the pull I felt towards her. As I observed her reaction to my closeness, I wasn’t altogether certain that I wasn’t the only one swimming in sexual tension. Regardless of whether the lust between us was mutual or not, I’d already decided that I wanted to fuck Megan and didn’t give a damn what my father thought about it.

As I was about to back away from her, I spotted what she’d attempted to keep hidden from me: lust and desire. A combination of the two was shadowed by her fear. She was afraid of me. I could tell, but a part of her wanted me too. I stepped the fuck away from this woman before I ended up doing something I had no business doing. We’d barely spoken complete sentences to each other, but I couldn’t deny the unspoken chemistry swimming around us. If she’d asked me to fuck her right then, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to resist the request or my urges.

Tags: Keta Kendric Erotic