Page 18 of Their Ballerina

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Ican tell something is off the moment I see Cash and Kane waiting for me in the school parking lot. They are both leaning against the side of the car, arms crossed in front of their chests, eyes dark with a glint of danger.

“Is everything okay?” I ask, my voice sounding just as small as I feel right now.

Instead of answering me, they just stare, neither one giving anything away. Dread pools in the center of my chest, there is a tiny voice in the back of my mind telling me to run, and if I wasn’t sure that they would catch me in a heartbeat, I probably would.

Cash moves first. Opening the backdoor for me, he ushers me inside. When I buckle up, I notice that my hand is not only shaking but sweaty as well. My body goes into full-on panic mode as the doors shut me in and the guys get into the front. Kane pulls out of the parking lot, and the pit in my stomach goes from deep to endless.

I’m not sure why they are upset, only that this can’t be good. A tiny slither of hope dances in front of my eyes as I wonder if they are not mad at me at all. Maybe there is something else bothering them?

I clear my throat. “I did as you said. I told everyone my car was in the shop.”

The hope that was barely in my grasp slips away completely when Kane glances at me through the rearview mirror.

My mouth goes dry, and my pulse picks up. His eyes only briefly connect with mine, but it’s clear that his stare promises one thing… pain.

The rest of the drive is spent in silence as the tension in the cab grows, and my mind spins with a plan to get away. I know the chances are slim, but I need to at least try to get away. Fuck! I knew this was bad. I knew they were dangerous. I knew, and my stupid ass still called them.

Kane stops at the gate in front of the driveway and rolls down his window to punch in the code. Just as the heavy iron gate starts to move, I rip the door open and make a run for it. No matter how futile, I need to at least try.

I push my legs as fast as I can, my feet pounding against the pavement, carrying me down the road back to where the other houses are. I don’t make it twenty feet before someone grabs my arm from behind and pulls me back. I stumble, nearly falling flat on my face.

Another hand grabs me, and I try to shake them off. “Let me go! I wanna go home!” I don’t care how desperate I sound right now. I just want to leave.

“It’s too late for that. You did this to yourself.” Kane’s gruff voice sends a shiver down my spine, but my fear doesn’t peak until he grabs me roughly and throws me over his shoulder.

He doesn’t put me back in the car. Instead, he walks the rest of the way. His fast pace has me bouncing on his shoulder, and I grab a fistful of his shirt in hopes to steady myself.

With Cash right behind us, Kane walks me to the bedroom and drops me unceremoniously onto the bed. I bounce over the mattress like a flat rock over water before scooting all the way up to the headboard.

“Stop trying to get away,” Cash growls. Grabbing my ankle, he pulls me back toward him.

I kick out my free leg just for it to be caught by Kane. Now they’re both tugging on me until I’m flat on my back and sprawled out in front of them.

Wicked smiles spread out across their identical faces, making my insides churn to the point of thinking I’m about to throw up.

God. What are they going to do to me?

The answer to that question becomes clear when Cash leans down and starts undoing my jeans. Kane takes over, holding me down while his brother takes off my shoes, then my pants and panties in one swoop.

I don’t even fight them anymore. There is no point. All it would do is make them angrier with me. My shirt and bra are next, leaving me completely bare in front of them.

To make matters even worse, Kane grabs some handcuffs from the drawer and fastens my wrists above me to the headboard.

“There you go.” Cash grins. “Now that we have you exactly where and how we want you, it’s time to answer some questions.

I stare at them in confusion. Questions? My gaze ping pongs between them, and my confusion only grows when Kane pulls off his shirt, exposing his well-defined upper body.

“Who sent you?”

“What? No one sent me—”

“Don’t lie,” Cash growls, and the tone of his voice has me shutting up. I press my lips into a thin line and watch as he grabs onto my ankle again, pushing my leg to one side to expose my center.

“What were you supposed to do? What information are you here for?” Kane asks, and he might as well be speaking gibberish. I have no idea what they are talking about. Why would they think I’m here for information?

“I guess we have to fuck the answers out of you,” Cash sneers, spreading my legs apart further. His intention was probably to scare me with his words, but they have the opposite effect on me. This whole time I was thinking they were going to hurt, torture, maybe even kill me.

Tags: Darcy Rose Erotic