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After what feels like hours of nothing but gray wall, we come up to the iron gates. Two dark-clad men sit in the guard booth on this side of the gates, and one of them steps out to greet us. I roll down my window and suddenly decide this is an awful idea. But there’s nothing to do but keep going.

“I’m hoping to have a minute with Mr. Hale,” I explain with a neutral expression. Can’t smile too hard. It’ll look like I’m lying. “My name is Colten Wolff. I’m a bookkeeper for the family.”

“And who’s this?” He gestures to Emma, scowling.

“Emma York. The situation I want to discuss involves her.”

“Out of the car, both of you.”

Emma shoots me a panicked look, which I respond to by opening my door. We have nothing to hide. It makes sense that they’d want to check the car out before letting us through the gates. We could be anybody, some maniacs with a bomb strapped to the car or something. The nicer we play this, the better the chance of getting a minute with the big boss.

The guy who stayed in the booth picks up a phone. I imagine he’s calling up to the house. Everything’s riding on this. Cold sweat begins to bead at the back of my neck, but I hand over my driver’s license to prove my identity and do my best to keep calm.

“You check out. Follow the driveway up to the house, and one of the guys will take you to the boss’s study.” The guard hands back my license and steps away from the car so Emma and I can get in. I don’t think either of us takes a breath until we’re through the gates.

“Oh my god, I thought they were going to tell us to go fuck ourselves.” She places a trembling hand over her heart.

“I told you. Everything’s going to be fine.” So what if I’m just as nervous? I have to keep from showing it. The wide driveway goes on for roughly as long as the wall bordering the property, but eventually, a sprawling mansion reveals itself. She gasps and leans forward like she can’t believe her eyes. I don’t blame her. It’s practically a castle, complete with turrets, where armed men watch the grounds like hawks.

Two black-clad men emerge from the house when we come to a stop in the front courtyard. “Wolff?” one of them grunts. I nod, then take Emma’s hand before following the guards into the house. It’s imposing, grand, the sort of house a man builds when he wants to show the world how substantial he is. How legitimate.

There’s no time to pay attention to the home’s interior as we’re walked through the building at such a pace, we’re practically running. Not that it matters. I’m here for one reason only, and soon, we’re standing outside a room with double wooden doors that look thick and heavy but aren’t thick enough to quiet the voice coming from the other side.

“Tell that motherfucker he’s going to hear directly from me if he doesn’t get his fucking act together quick.” No doubt that’s Ace. “I’m serious as a heart attack on this. He plays ball, or he’s out. I don’t give a shit how much his crew brings in. I’ll blow his fucking brains out myself if I find out he’s running his mouth again.”

Emma’s grip around my hand tightens. I wish I could say something to comfort her, but the presence of the guards flanking us makes it seem like a bad idea.

A crashing sound quickly follows, like a receiver slammed against a phone, and one of the guards takes it as a cue to knock on the door. “Boss? Your visitors are here.”

I hope he’ll take a minute to calm himself down after his call. No such luck. “Bring them in.”

This is it. He’s got to be a reasonable man. It’s business and nothing more.

He sits behind a long desk, flanked by yet another pair of guards. Either he’s paranoid or there’s a reason for his caution. Neither explanation makes me feel good about standing before the big, imposing man. “Mr. Wolff. You’ve done good work for my family.” His tone is now cordial and warm, unlike what we heard only moments ago.

“Thank you, Mr. Hale. I do what I can.”

His shrewd, dark eyes dart over to Emma. “And who is this?”

“Emma York,” she replies in a strong voice.

“She was one of the girls at the auction house two nights ago,” I explain. “I happened to be leaving for the night when she was on the block and couldn’t help myself when I saw her. I had to bid.” I hate talking about her like she’s nothing but meat with a price tag on her pussy, but I can’t bring up how badly I wanted to keep her from Marco. Not yet.

“I’m glad to have brought you two kids together.” He waves his hands, smirking. “What’s it got to do with me?”

“Someone else wanted her.” Here goes nothing. “Marco, one of your patrons.”

Bingo. His eyes narrow. “I see. I was under the impression he had left the establishment before he could place a bid. We’ve had some issues with him as of late.”

“He had already placed a few, but he left when one of the guys came in.”

“Fucking right, he left.” He glances at Emma, and I get the feeling her presence is all that keeps him from saying more.

“It was Emma he bid on, and he wasn’t happy to leave before he won. He’s since destroyed her apartment, called me to make threats, then texted me to say he vandalized my home. He included a photo, as well.”

I didn’t tell Emma about that part. “He did?” she whispers.

For now, I keep my attention focused on Ace. “I wouldn’t ordinarily do something like this. Not ever. But Emma’s purchase was settled. It’s only fair. She doesn’t deserve to be stalked for something outside her control. I came here to see if there’s anything I can do to stop this from going further. I’d happily put in more hours with the books. I’d do whatever it takes so long as she’s safe. But I can’t keep shuttling her from one motel to another while he stakes out her apartment.”

Tags: Darcy Rose Erotic