Page 61 of Dangerous Defiance

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“How’d you know where we’d be that day?” I ask, pressing the gun to Luciani’s temple.

He lunges out of the chair, his arms clamping around my torso as he tackles me to the floor. My finger convulses on the trigger, sending a bullet into the ceiling when I hit the floor, the air knocked from my lungs by the larger man. I bring the butt of the gun down on his temple, and he slumps on top of me, groaning. I heave him off and frisk him quickly, tossing his pistol into the corner and kicking the rifle away.

“Don’t kill me,” he wheezes when I roll him onto his back and press the muzzle of my gun to the underside of his chin. I grab his tie, pulling his face up. Blood is coursing down his face from where I struck him, and his eyes are small and teary as they roll around in his head.

Even the most powerful men are reduced to nothing in a moment like this, so much like the ones I see every day with Little Al. Lou Luciani may be a sneaky bastard, and he may have tried to kill me, but at least he loves his daughter. So much so that he’s giving up his life for hers, letting us walk in on him. He must know it’s over. He may have executed a sloppy ambush in broad daylight, but he’s not stupid, and he’s not heartless. There are worse people in the world, at least.

“Answer the fucking question,” I demand.

“I’m no rat,” he spits back at me, his lips coated with saliva and trembling as he tries to get the words out.

Il Diavolo spins Bianca and pushes her face down on the walnut desk, yanking up her skirt and pushing the muzzle of his gun against her panties. “Answer the fucking question, or we’ll know your daughter is the rat,” he barks.

Bianca screams out a sob, her terror palpable as she writhes on the desk, begging for mercy.

“Don’t touch my daughter, you sick son of a bitch,” Lou yells, bucking under me.

Il Diavolo pulls aside her underwear and rubs the tip of the silencer against her entrance, his other hand flat against her back, pinning her down. “Oh, but I bet she’s never been touched,” he taunts. “It’s such a shame to waste good virgin pussy.”

“Is that necessary?” I growl, glaring over at him while I wrestle to keep Luciani down. If I thought I could let go of Lou without him going for his guns, I’d take down the devil himself. But if I did that, Lou would kill me, and Eliza would be left a widow, and that’s one thing I promised I’d never do. I may not be her husband much longer, but until we sign divorce papers, I’m responsible for her.

I could kill Lou and go after Il Diavolo, but then I’d never find out who tipped him off, and the blame will fall on Bianca whether she’s guilty or not.

Besides all that, I don’t even want to think what this guy will do to me if I try to take him down and fail. And even if I succeed, there’s no question about leaving Eliza a widow then. If I killed one of our own men, Al’s inner circle no less, to protect an enemy who could be responsible for the attempt on Al’s life…

I force myself to hold onto Luciani’s throat, my fingers digging in while I kneel on his chest, the gun still shoved against his chin. This asshole needs to talk, and fast.

“Please,” Bianca sobs. “I didn’t tell anyone anything.”

Il Diavolo grins at Luciani, who’s going nuts in my hold, and forces the tip of the silencer into Bianca’s hole. “You got one more chance to talk, or I’m going to shoot and then fuck this tight little cunt while she bleeds to death.”

I ram the gun into Luciani’s jugular. “You’re going to die anyway,” I snap. “If you love your daughter, you better talk right fucking now.”

“It was Al,” he howls, his voice high with panic as he tries to rise, to go to his daughter. “Little Al De Luca. He tipped me off.”

I pull the trigger and jump up, grabbing Il Diavolo and shoving him. He grins at me and slides the tip of the silencer out of Bianca, who is sobbing uncontrollably on the desk.

“Works like a charm,” he says, wiping the gun on his pants. “Too bad he talked. I wouldn’t mind a few minutes inside the bitch. She’s tight.”

I pull Bianca to her feet, and she collapses into my arms, clinging to me like I’m some kind of savior, her body convulsing with sobs. “We’d better go find Uncle Al,” I say.

“Bring her along,” Il Diavolo says, gesturing lazily with his gun for me to follow as he heads for the door. “To the victor go the spoils, right?”

I follow him out, Bianca hanging off my neck. “What are you going to do with me?” she wails as we start down the stairs.

“Nothing,” I say firmly.

“Al can keep you until we check out your dad’s story,” Il Diavolo says. “If he was lying, you’ll die like the rest of your family. If he was telling the truth… You’re Al’s problem then. Maybe he’ll put you to work at one of his clubs until you’ve paid off what Lou owes him.”

Damn. Luciani owed him money. No wonder he tried to take us out. He must have thought his debt would be erased if he got rid of one of the other families.

The remaining men gather in the little fenced yard. Al is bleeding from a cut on his cheek but otherwise fine. Three of the guys were killed, and one more is seriously injured. Il Diavolo has a cut on his side that I didn’t even notice, as he showed no reaction whenever he got it. The rest of us got away without injury. We pile into the SUVs, anxious to get out of there before more Luciani men show up. With the head cut off, either the family will fall or more likely, someone will rise to take his place immediately, and we don’t want to be there when a bunch of thirsty heirs show up to duke it out.

I end up in a car with Al, Il Diavolo, and Bianca, who has fallen silent and stares out the window with mascara running down her cheeks from her blank eyes. She’s probably in shock.

“You need to get that looked at?” Al asks Il Diavolo, who sits up front with him.

“I’ll stop by the chop shop later,” Il Diavolo responds.

Tags: Selena Dark