Page 8 of Kick-Off

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Oh, right. I know what happened. My brain failed me. And Chase London is my kryptonite.


That afternoon, Chase is the last one to our math class, as usual. After some inappropriate flirting with Ms. Michaelson, he strolls back to his seat, flipping a folded paper onto my desk on his way. I sit frozen, staring at it until my blush goes away, then quietly begin to unfold it. I’m second from the front of the room, so I slide it behind David’s back. Just then, a hand descends and plucks it from my fingers. Ms. Michaelson doesn’t even pause in her teaching, just walks by the trash can and drops it in without unfolding it.

Chase looks at her with the most shocked expression, like she slapped him. “Hey, you can’t do that.”

“I just did,” she says in a cool tone.

“That’s school related. She needed that.”

“Then you should have saved it for after class.”

“Awww, you’re jealous,” he says, grinning. “I promise, you’re still my one love.” He covers his heart in a swooning manner. Laughter starts building around the room.

“Charmed, I’m sure.”

“You know I’d never cheat on you. It was just school stuff, totally innocent, I swear.” Chase pushes, obviously trying to see how far she’ll go with this.

“Surely you have a girlfriend your own age,” she says.

Everyone starts laughing more, and the guys are punching Chase in the arm and saying “oooohhhh,” behind their hands.

“Aww, youarejealous. I knew it,” Chase yells over the class. “Baby, I’d dump any other girl in a second. I didn’t know you wanted to be exclusive.”

Ms. Michaelson ignores this, and after a few minutes, she seems to have things under control. Just when everyone quiets down, Chase says, “So, can you give me that note back?”


Her voice says the discussion is over, but Chase has to have the last word. “Hey New Girl. When do you want to get some research done for that English paper? Text me tonight. Got your phone? My number is 501…” He goes on reciting the number, but I don’t have my phone out, and blood is rushing in my ears from the weight of all those eyes on me.

By now the whole class is deadly silent and still, except Ms. Michaelson’s heels clicking as she walks over and calls the office. I duck my head, my face burning. Why the hell is he drawing attention to me? If he wants to be the star of the show, the stage is all his. I want no part of it.

Chase gets up and walks out. I don’t know if she made him mad, but from what I can tell, he never gets in trouble. Chase is one of those guys who could charm the stripes off a tiger. Even teachers can’t help but love him and give him a hundred chances to be bad, but they never send him to the office no matter how many times they threaten. He charms the female teachers and buddies up to the male teachers, talking about football or basketball or whatever they like to talk about—fishing, golf, cars. And judging from the mob around him every time I see him in the hall, he’s even more popular with the student population.

So why is he bothering with me?


Now Playing:

“Spiderwebs”—No Doubt

The next morning, I’m at my locker when Chase strolls up. I’m so shocked that I forget to blush when he starts talking to me. I must look like an idiot, standing there gaping at him.

“How come you never texted?” He leans against the locker next to mine, looking as sexy as a fucking jeans model.

Damn it. Why does the very sight of him awaken every inch of my skin?

“I didn’t know I was supposed to.”

“After all the trouble I had getting you that number, it kinda hurts my feelings that you didn’t call.” He looks like he’s trying to be serious but he’s about to bust up laughing at any moment. His eyes, as blue and clear as glass, are sparkling with humor, and I’m a little light-headed being this close to him.

I shrug. “Sorry.”

“I guess I’ll forgive you this time.” He leans back and slowly slides his fingers into his pocket, drawing my eyes to his hips, clad in low-slung jeans, and the bulge in his pants…

I tear my eyes away, hiding behind my locker door as my heart hammers blood straight to my face. Oh my god, was I just eye-groping this guy in the middle of the hall?

Tags: Selena Romance